Chapter XVI

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Chapter XVI

"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain,"

—Bob Marley

There was a tense silence that filled the room after that revelation. After that, we came to the agreement that in order to defeat Lucifer, we would need to train like hell. Of course, I was wary about it.

These damn wounds refused to heal. Since they had opened recently, Garroth and the others forced me to sit out. Megan got to train, but I wasn't able to.

Good thing: she gave me a kiss before she hurried off.

Bad thing: it was in front of Darrin, so I'm kind of dead.

Every time I catch his eyes, he hits the dummy he's using, giving me evil looks.

I'm totally dead.

So yeah, me and her are dating now, in case any of you readers are wondering. Looks like Megothy is cannon!

Or whatever our ship name is. I'm not good at them.

I sighed, rubbing my head. Fenrir was, at the moment, singing.

Yes, you heard me right. Singing. I don't know what the song is called, because he's clearly singing it in Norse. I know it's his native language, but honestly, it's kind of annoying. Most foreign languages sound like gibberish to me, and Norse is no exception, maybe even the prime example.

Fenrir wasn't a bad singer, as much as I hate to admit it. His voice was smooth and flowed well. He hits few sour notes here and there, but it was definitely better than my voice.

Last time I sang, there was at least five dead birds laying around me.

"Sofdu lengi, sofdu rótt, seint mun best ad vakna. Maedan kenna mun thér fljótt, medan hallar degi skjótt. Ad mennirnir elska, missa, gráta og sakna."

I frowned. Whatever those words meant, they sounded kind of ominous. I looked around, making sure no one was near me. "Hey, Fenrir?"

Fenrir stopped. "Yeah?"

"What are you singing?"

"Just an old lullaby." He hummed.

"What's it called?" I asked.

"Sofdu unga ástin mín, or 'Sleep My Young Darling'." He answered.

"What is it in English?" I whispered.

Fenrir was silent for a moment. Then, he sung.

"Sleep long, sleep tight, it is best to wake up late. The hardship will teach you soon, while the day turns to night, that people feel love, loss, sadness and longing."

I smiled. "That's a beautiful song."

Fenrir chuckled. "It's considered Iceland's most beautiful lullaby, actually."

"I can see why." I answered, rubbing my arms. I winced at the pain that flared up in my stomach.

"Don't wriggle around, Timothy. You could get even more hurt." Fenrir chided.

"Hey, my pain is my pain. I can deal with it."

Fenrir sighed. "You do realize you and I are very connected. I feel all he pain that you feel."

I paused. "Really?"

"Yes. Every single time you get hurt I feel it. So please, try not to move around too much."

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