Chapter V

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Chapter V

"Those who don't believe in Magic will never find it."

-Roald Dahl

My life began on February 27, 1998. My father had met my mother while investigating a werewolf pack up in Washington. When my mother saw my father, she instantly fell in love, knowing in her heart this was her mate.

My father, not being able to resist the werewolf female in the pack, frequently visited.

Eventually, the two fell in love and got married.

My mother wasn't welcomed into the Monster Hunter community, but they tolerated the marriage because they understood they were soulmates.

However, there was no happy ending for this couple.

On the day of their son's birth, an attack happened. The woman had just given birth to her son when the pack attacked. The man hide his newborn child away and called for the Monster Hunters to save them.

The man and woman fought for their lives, but both were killed.

The baby, however, managed to be hidden away from the wolves. When the Monster Hunters found the child, he had a soft glow to him.

They knew what he was immediately.

They took the child to the main headquarters and raised him. At age five he met an older boy named Garroth Mills.

At first, Garroth resented the little child, because he knew exactly what he was. He thought he was a freak. However, when his mother taught him not to judge people, he began to talk with him.

Over time, Garroth realized how incredibly awesome and awe inspiring this little boy was, and the pair became inseparable. Even after Garroth pushed himself down the stairs multiple times during his mischievous phase.

Once the boy was old enough, he was told the truth about himself.

He was a halfling. Half Monster Hunter, or Nephilim, and half Werewolf. He learned the truth about his family.

Garroth began to notice a decline in the boy's emotional state after this. He began to blame himself for the death of his parents, and began to question his very existence when he learned what his werewolf side gave him.

Garroth managed to help the boy through, but he became reclusive and quiet, often barely speaking.

One day, when the boy was around ten, a young girl came up and began to talk to him. The boy, not wanting to be rude, talked with her.

Garroth, meanwhile, spoke with her older cousin, Darrin. The four of them became good friends.

Eventually, the boy began to fall for Megan, the girl. Darrin noticed this and warned him off of her. The boy believed she was his mate, and new they were meant to be.

When the boy was thirteen, Megan's family was killed in a hunt. She moved in with her uncle and Darrin, but became upset and depressed throughout the year.

The boy knew what it was like to be upset and to question your existence, so he tried to help her through it. Eventually Megan began to heal.

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