Choose a partner- 5

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Bakugou pov
"Get out the fucking way Grape Head." Mineta and a few others stood at the entrance of the classroom, chatting causally. Honestly I just wanted to hit him and Kaminari; what they said about Kirishima and me, did they have zero respect! The group looked at me and then to Red who was slightly behind me.
"Hey you two." Said Deku cheerfully. I just groaned and shoved the group out my way. Unfortunately Kirishima decided to join in with the them, responding to Deku with a friendly 'Hey'. I watched from my desk as he laughed and chatted with the group, and it pissed me off. Only because Mineta and Kaminari acted like they didn't say shit! I wanted to go over and confront them, yell at them for what they said about their friend, Kirishima, but I knew I shouldn't. It'd make everything awkward, and could even upset Red, I didn't want that. Instead I just glared at them all, with my arms crossed.

"Alright class, I hope you've been studying for you exams in a couple week." Said Mr Aizawa quite boringly. I saw a sea of nods in the classroom, and Red's sweet smile as he turned to me and put his thumbs up. Wait, why did I say 'sweet', his smile was annoying if anything. I just shook my head, throwing away the thought. "Now I'm sure you've heard a lot from the older years how the written exam goes, well, we've decided to change things up this year." I don't know why half the class suddenly began to panic. I watched Iida raise his hand just to be shut down my Aizawa with a shake of his head. "Before you all go crazy, let me explain," a pause; he was waiting for everyone to shut up. "The exam is kind of no longer an exam, it's a project. You'll be in teams of two, and will have to create two booklets, one on the 'History of Heroes', and the other, 'Hero Tactics.' Everyone got that." I heard a quiet 'hooray' coming from Deku, of course he'd love this shit, me however, I was not happy.
"So you want us to work with a partner, that's so fuc- that's so stupid!" I yelled, not bothering to raise my hand.
"Bakugou, many heroes need to work in teams for their job, we're just preparing you for the real world. Oh, and also, you'll have to do a presentation at the end of the month on your research." Obviously Aizawa knew I was going to say something, so he had that prepared. But it's still a load of bullshit. Tsu, the frog girl, raised her hand but didn't wait for Aizawa to acknowledge her.
"So are our partners chosen for us or?" Aizawa smiled, his grim smile that made him almost look like a villain.
"We thought about that, but then we thought it'd be best to allow you all to chose your partners, so you can reach the highest grade possible. I guess go ahead and decide." Quickly, everyone arose from their seats, looking around frantically. I however, stayed still. I watched partners begin to form. Koda and Sata, Tokoyami and Shoji, Tsu and Uraraka, Iida and Yaoyorozu, even Todoroki and Deku. Mineta and Sero were paired, so I scanned to so who Kaminari was with. That's when I saw him going over to Red. I don't know what took over me, but I clumsily got out of my desk and ran over to stand by Kirishima; Kaminari was also there, and got in his words before me.
"So Kirishima, want to be partners, we'd be awesome together bro." Sparky smiled, trying to match Kirishima, it didn't work. Before Red has a chance to respond, I jumped in.
"Fuck off Sparky, I'm going to pair with Kirishima." I looked at Red, my eyes basically telling him to back me up. He did that thing where he puts his hand to the back of his head and ruffles his hair. His grin was sheepish, and he was blushing.
"Woah woah woah, don't fight over me, there's enough of me to go round." He joked.
"The project is two people, so, no, their isn't enough of you to go round Hair-for-Brains." I responded bluntly. This made Red laugh, of course he found my harshness amusing. He looked at Kaminari, then to me, then back again. Oh hurry up!
"Look, sorry Kaminari, but Bakugou has been helping me a ton with studying and all that, so, it's only fair if I team up with Bakugou." Fuck, now I sound like a charity case. Before I could defend myself, Kaminari just said, quite sharply, 'whatever, that's fine' and walked off, looking for a new partner. A sense of relief washed over me, I had Red, he was mine, my partner. "So Bakugou, what days are you free so I can come over?" He asked casually, yet I could sense a tinge of excitement. I had never let Red in my room, or anyone for that matter. Shit, I didn't think this through.

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