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Myya's POV

"Everything's better down where it's wetter- that's what she said". I said. Jacob and Keke were dying laughing. "Why would you? Who was talking about the little mermaid? Why'd you make a good song negative"? Peter asked me. "Let's talk coffee right quick. Why don't have any"? I asked. "I thought you were on the pill and patch"? Keke asked. "That shit doesn't work, and these pills aren't even the good one's, I can't get high off of them". I said. "Wanna make meth"? Keke asked. "Bet". I said. "No, no bet". Peter and Damian said. "Why is the movie Zombies? Basically racism at  it's finest"? Jacob asked. "For real". I said. "Disney is the best tho". Mark said. "We should get ready for patrol tho". I said. "Oh, Myya did you tell our friends what happened-". I cut Peter off. "I will pimp slap you". I said. "What she do I want to hear". Keke said. "She stopped a girl from committee suicide, and I'm just so proud of Myya". Peter said. "Ok shove the opinion up yo ass". I said. I snapped my finger. "I'm leaving". I said In my costume.

Teleported to a building I saw a man with a gun. I followed him. He went into alleyway. I followed him he sat down on a old mattress and put the gun down, he started writing something. I caught a glimpse of the note. "What's up with everyone committing suicide this week"? I mumbled. I looked around to see if anyone was around me. I jumped down and landed right in front of him. "If you're going to kill yourself can I have the gun? I don't want to steal from the dead anymore". I said. "Elementress"? The guy asked. "One and only". I said. "Why are you here"? He asked. "I want the gun". I said. "You don't remember me"? He asked. "Nope. Should I care"? I asked. "I'm a cop". He said. "Oh, that's why you look familiar". I said. "Yeah". He said. "So what's got you going night night"? I asked. "I was fired and I'm getting texts from my ex friends, saying really bad things". He said. I looked at the nonexistent camera made a face and looked back at him. "You are a grown man, but I understand. How many suicides does it take for people to realize words hurt? But also everyone wants to hear the truth, and get mad when someone lies. Humans are a very complicated species. So they kill their selves over the truth and over lies that people implant in there brains. That's why people give them good lies cause in all honesty no human has ever handled the truth well, and some just don't know how great they are until someone steps in and tell them not to listen to those people. Unlucky for you I'm that 2 percent that doesn't care what you'll do. But remember someone out there cares, not me but y'know someone". I said leaving.

I heard the gun go off and crying. He didn't kill himself. And I don't need a ex police officers gun. I saw someone stealing a purse. Who does that? I used my magic and lifted him off the ground. "Wow, that's low as hell". I said. Dropping him to the ground at full speed and he died. I gave threw the woman back her purse and she ran off. My ear com went off, I pressed it and it was Peter. I saw woman stab a man with a knife. I went over to fight her and a lot of other people came out. "ArE YoU OK"? I asked Peter worryingly fighting off vicious females. "Yeah, I'm just calling to check in, bad time"? I flipped over one and shot her in the leg and punched the other one in the boob I broke her leg when she went yo cover those. The last on stabbed me in the higher part of back and kicked me in the lower, I pulled out the knife and threw it at her it went right through her throat. "No, I'm not doing anything". I answered Peter. I flinched at the open deep, blood gushing out in chunks, cut on my back. "Damn bitch". I said. "What"? "Not you". I said. "Ok, I just wanted to check up, I stopped a bank robbery and a car from crashing. It's getting pretty late, I think we should turn in". "Ok". I said. My wound started heal, still should stitch it tho. "I love you". "You to, I'll meet you at the tower". I said hanging up.

I teleported to the tower I went in my room and stood in front of my big mirror. I took my shirt off, and got a needle and thread. I literally cannot use my powers cause I can't see my back. It was pretty bad. I used my magic to stitch it up, being careful cause I still can barely see my back. Peter walked in looked at me shirtless with my bra on and walked out. "Wait Pete! Can you do this I really can't see it"! I yelled out to him. He came back in. "Can't you just wait for it heal"? Peter asked not looking at me. "No cause I heal slow, and it's going to get infected, and I don't heal from infections. I'm not Wade". I said. "Ok". Peter said. Looking at me. "I feel like we've been here before". I said. "Bear attack". Peter said stitching. "Oh right I was shirtless for that to". I said. "Hoe are you so comfortable right now"? Peter asked. "Because I'm always needing to be stitched". I said. "No, why are you comfortable being shirtless in front of me"? Peter asked. "Cause, I honestly don't know. I was going to say cause you won't do anything. But you could if you wanted to. So I just guess that I don't care". I said. "I'm not going to do anything". Peter said. "And that's why you're a buzz kill". I said. "You know I always wanted to have sex with you-". I cut Peter off. "Ah, you said the word"! I yelled. "Hush". Peter said. "Wow ok then". I said. "I wanted to but I'm afraid if the Avengers found out, they would kill me. And we can't be together so I want to wait". Peter said. "Tony won't kill you, he might praise you". I said. "You haven't been to one of our talks". Peter said handing me a shirt I put it on. We sat on my bed. "What"? I asked confused. "He says don't touch his daughter when we are alone. He's just hiding the protective side". Peter said. "Damn, I feel bad for constantly cursing everyone out". I said.

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