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Myya's POV

Peter refused to let go of where I was going. "Can you please drop it"? I asked. He just looked at me. "Fine". Peter said. I kissed his cheek and he pouted. We where sitting on the couch. The Avengers where there, fighting over what movie to watch. "Man, just give me the damn thing". Nat said. We watched the Annabelle. Peter jumped and I laughed at the scary parts. "Man, why in every scary movie they play the music then you just know something gonna happen. Once I would like for them to not do that to make it funnier". I said. "What movie scares you Shorty"? Clint asked. "There was this one movie. Dead souls. I freaking hated it stuff popped out". I said. "Ok, that's what we're watching next". Tony said. "No, I hate that movie". I said. "So you're scared"? Clint said. "No". I said. "Ok, so we're watching the movie". Tony said putting it on after searching for it. After like 3 minutes in I was cringing mostly because of the dog. "The dog! Why the animal". I said.

Another minute later. "Oh my god, the priest killed his wife". Steve said. "Still worried about the dog". I said. "Who drowns someone in their own vomit"?  Vision asked. "Wade". Peter and I said. "Oh, shit he slit his daughters throat". Tony said. "Eh, they should have left the house". I said. now when all the popping up and shit happens everyone jumped. My phone went off to my emo hang. "I got to go". I said making up an excuse to go. "Where"? Steve asked. "To the bathroom". I said. Leaving to my room and going in my closet to the emo hang. I got an alert for a villain. "Green Goblin? Isn't this Peter's villain"? I asked out loud. I changed to my costume and walked down the tunnel that leads to the garage. I'll take my motorcycle. I hopped on and went to the location Ash put on my directions it was down town New York. A car went flying passed my head. "Doctor Oct"? I asked as I saw them together. "Oh, look we didn't attract Spiderman, we attracted his girlfriend". Goblin said.

"Yo at least I get some that I don't pay for". I said. "Little girl, where is Spiderman"? Doc Oct asked me. "On your mind I guess". I said. He growled. "Look, I'm not Spiderboy so can you two please shut the fuck up"? I asked. "Spiderman". Peter said coming from off top of a building. I groaned. "I don't have time for this". I used my magic to bring them in the air choking them. They were almost dead. "No, put them down". Peter said. "But, they show no respect to someone who can kill them in less then 3 seconds". I said. "No! Down". He said. I pouted. "Drop them, drop". Peter said. I sighed and stopped my powers making them fall from mid air. How high I had them could kill them. Peter used his webs to trap them. "You know that's not what I meant". Peter said. Doc Oct got out the webs, then blasted some type of goo on me. "Um.. The fuck is this"? I asked.  Then it started burning, god it burned bad. "Shit! What the hell, OW"!!! I yelled. "Ele"! Peter yelled. "Momma"? I asked passing out.

Peter's POV

Oh, god. Oh shit. What just happened, I'm not getting a pulse. "What the hell did you do to her"!? I screamed at Doc Oct. "Oh, well you see injected her with tiny little parasites. That's burning her insides, in a hour she's going to die"! Doc Oct said laughing. I punched him in the face webbed him to a street pole. "Where's the cure"? I asked gritting my teeth. "Like I'm gonna tell you". Oct said I growled and punched him in his face over and over again until he blacked out. The police came and took them away. "Thank you Spiderman". One cop said. I ignored him and looked at Myya. He looked at her. "Elementress". The cop said dumbfounded. "Is Elementress dead"? Another cop asked. I got her motorcycle, cause God knows if she wakes up and her motorcycle not there she'll be mad. I hopped on and held her close. When I made to the tower I took her mask off. "Guys Myya's dying"! I yelled. everyone one rushed over. "What happened"? Bruce asked checking her heart as we rushed her to the lab. "Doctor Oct, shot her with some weird brown goo. And he said she only has like 40 minute's to live, it's parasites they're suppose to burn her insides. "I'll call Keke". Nat said.

Bruce hooked her up. Keke appeared behind me. "What's happening"? Keke asked. "She's dying". I said. "Again"? Keke asked. Keke walked over and touched Myya. Nothing happened. "What"? Keke said confused. "What why isn't anything happening"? Steve asked. "I honestly don't know my powers aren't doing anything". Keke said. She then started to panic. "Oh, shit! Wait I can't bring her back! Myya wake up"! Keke yelled. "No, she can't wake up, they'll go faster if she energized". Bruce said. "Stay the fuck asleep". Keke said. "Oh, god she's gonna die". Keke said. Keke looked like she had an idea. "Cas"! She yelled. "Fuck I left my phone". She said. "I need everyone to pry". Keke said. We all looked at her. "Just, bow your heads. Cas I need you it's Myya she's dying my powers aren't working and she's not healing". Keke said. And like that a man in a trench coat that I've seen before came. "She seems, to have been. Lab bugged". Cas said. He touched her forehead, and his eyes turned a bright glowing blue. Myya woke up. "Yo what up Cas. What you doing"? Myya asked. "You seem to have needed some life savings assistance again". Cas told her. "Damn I almost died again"? She asked. Cas left. "Almost lost you there. My powers got blocked from healing you". Keke said. "Damn, so if I did die, you couldn't bring me back"? Myya asked. "Nope". Keke said. "Wow, why didn't that happen before I was kicked out of hell"? Myya asked. Keke looked at her. "Stop doing dumb shit before I slap you blue and beat you black again". Keke said this and left. Something happened. Myya looked weird. "Yo, anyone wants some pizza"? Myya asked. she got off the bed taking out her iv cords. They didn't heal, she stood there then looked around. "Um... The hell"? She said.

She punched the wall. "Um... Where the hell are my powers"? She asked. "Didn't this happen before author"? Wade asked, coming out of nowhere. "Aww, fuck me"! She yelled. Myya left out. "It's temporary". Bruce said. We all nodded and I went after Myya. I went to her room and sat down. She came out of the closet, with a beer. I looked at here weirdly, she looked at me, then the floor, the wall, and back at me. "Where did you-"? She cut me off. "Don't ask me questions you don't want to here". She said. Myya's phone started ringing, she just looked at the contact name, made a disgusted face and threw it to me. 'Liz'. I read. So I was confused, first why would Liz call Myya and second why did Myya know her number to have her name in her phone? I answered it. "Hello"? I asked. "Peter"? "Yeah, that's me". I said. "Can I speak to Myya"? I looked over to Myya who was tracing a knife over her hands. "She's... busy". I said webbing the knife out of her hand. "Really? Can you tell her that the football team needs her and Raph for the last practice"? "Yeah, yeah. Sure". I said. "Why do you have Myya's phone anyway"? "Oh, um. I just found it laying around". I said. "Ok, would you like to go to the movies with me"? "Sorry Liz I can't Myya's sick, and I have to take care of her". I wasn't technically lying. She lost her powers she basically a baby now. "Why are you watching her"?  "She's my girl friend". I said. Myya got another knife and started playing with it and drinking liquor. "Bye Liz". I said hanging up.

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