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Myya's POV

I woke up and realized Peter wasn't by me. "Damn, ain't I the one... "? I asked myself. I took a shower and put on some clothes. Did my other things and went out. I walked my Peter's bed room, and opened it. Wait Peter didn't get in my bed yesterday? And did I sleep a whole day? Cause it was morning when I got out of jail. Keke had left with Damian. Peter was sleeping on his bed, I just observed him. I closed his door and sat on a chair. I swear I'm not Edward Cullen. I mean he's adorable and I'm bored. He started to wake up and I quickly hid under his bed. Peter went to take a shower and I didn't want to leave cause if I got out I bet he would have saw me, or heard me, or his spider senses would have kicked in. After about 10 minutes he was out in a towel wrapped around him from the V line, his hair was wet.

"My Lord" I mumbled, starring at him. He looked through the closet he got out some clothes. His hands went for the towel. Oh shit do I look? "Hell yeah bitch look"! GG shouted. "Myya I don't want to see no necked boy". Goliath mumbled. "I'm with Goliath on that one". Lucifer said. Oh right I can teleport. Peter hands were still on his towel getting ready to drop it. I teleported to the kitchen scaring the hell out of the Avengers. "I keep forgetting you can do that". Bucky said holding his chest. "Sorry". I said sitting down. Fuck I'm regretting not staying. A couple minutes later Peter came in. I held my head down starring at my bowl of cereal. "What's wrong"? Wanda whispered to me scaring the hell out of me. "Nothing you"!? I asked panicked. Everyone looked at me. "Are you ok lady Myya"? Thor asked. "Yep, yes, yeah, mmm-hmm, peachy". I said. Everyone looked at me as if I was crazy, which I'm still am.

"You like you saw someone good looking, necked". Pietro said. "Whaat... Like who? There isn't anyone you see necked here. Oh look my cereal getting cold. Gotta stop talking". I said stuffing my mouth. Everyone looked at me. "Where you looking at that picture of the boy Jack again"? Nat asked. "No, Peter took it and threw it out my window". I said. "So Myya you slept all day yesterday". Steve said. "Damn, I knew it. I missed patrol. Oh shit I bet those fuckers did something". I said. "Did you come in my room last night? I found your pocket knife by my bed". Peter said handing it to me. I checked and I only had 4 knives on me. "Yeah". I said. "It's weird, I didn't know you were up last night". Peter said. "Just to check on you". I coughed, and ate my cereal. Wade came in. "MyMy! I have news. We have to go off shore for a mission". Wade said. I quickly got up and grabbed Wade. "Ok, let's go know"! I said. Peter webbed me and pulled me to him. "Wait why are you two going off shore"? Steve asked. "Because, someone did bad things. And now they have to be punished by Daddy and best friend". Wade said. "You make it sound like a threesome". I said. "Have you ever tried one of those good stuff". Wade said.

"Noted". I said. "Unnoted". Peter said. Wade phone went off. "Never mine X-force got to it". Wade grumbled. "Aren't you on the- never mind". I said. "I haven't seen you two that close since yesterday"! Wade yelled he was talking about how Peter was holding me to him tight. Matter of a fact I'm just thinking about a towel. Get the fuck out my head! Sinful, very sinful! I blame Keke! Wade disappeared and the Avengers looked at us Peter let me go and stepped back. Those abs tho. "Can you please fucking stop"! Goliath said. Yeah sorry. "What you two did yesterday"? Sam asked. "Nothing, just kissed". I said. "Kisses can turn into a lot. I'll know". Tony said drinking some liquor. "Where were you two anyway? I was in the vents and didn't see you in your rooms". Clint said. "We were in the library". I said. "You to fucked in the library"? Pietro asked. "Oh my god no. I love books to much. To do that". I said. "We were reading a book". Peter said. "Yeah, a Dark hunter series. I for one relate to Zerek and Talon". I said.

They nodded. My phone started ringing it was Blue. "What up my nigga"? I asked him. "I've been compromised. I have to go off the grid for a while shield, wants me. Myya I didn't do anything". "Ok, don't tell me where you're going or they gonna ask me. Just leave me signs you ok. Need anything you know where to look, be safe Blue". I said. "Myya, I'm not surviving this. Going to be one hundred. You were like a deadly sister. I love you". Gun shoots went off in the back ground. "Love you to Blue". I sighed. The line went off. "Wait who you love"? Peter asked. "I need to plan a funeral". I said. "What happened"? Steve asked. I sighed. "It's not in my ability of work to tell you". I said. Fury came out of the elevator. "Agent Bailey, where is he"!? Fury yelled. "I don't know"! I said. "You're going to be in big trouble, hording a criminal"! Fury yelled. Then everyone looked at me, Steve got up and put his hand on my shoulder. "Myya, you need to tell Director Fury where he is". Steve said. "I told you I don't fucking know. And if I did I still wouldn't say shit, cause that's my nigga and I ride or die for all my niggas". I said.

"Why are you protecting him"? Peter asked. "Cause he's my friend". I said. "Your friends going to get you in trouble. He's killed like over 34 innocent people and has illegal drugs". Fury said. "Ok, he does have illegal drugs, but so do I. And he never killed anyone innocent". I said. "Why are you defending him"? Peter asked. "I have to it's in my code". I said. "What code"? Fury asked. "The bro code". I said. "Bull shit, tell me where he is. You are one if the smartest agents I have, it's one of your powers, even if he didn't tell you. You know"! Fury yelled at me. "You gon have to beat it out of me". I said. "Do you like him"? Peter asked hurt. "No, that's discussing. He got a girlfriend- oh shit I shouldn't have said that". I said facing palming. I glared at Peter. "Who is his girlfriend Bailey"? Fury said putting this info to the agents. "I don't know". I lied. "Bailey, we don't want to do any damage to you but we will". Fury said. "Can't nothing you do to me be worse then what I do to myself everyday". I said.

"Myya"! Everyone yelled at me. "Ok, ok. Let's just say you ain't going to find her". I said laughing. Fury mumbled something about kids and left. Everyone looked at me. "What"? I asked. Getting my big coffee cup that said. 'You're making me do this' and started pouring coffee in it and made another batch and just kept pouring. "What's you problem, you were giving orders you are supposed to follow those orders". Steve Saud. "I don't follow anyone's orders but the man up there". I said. "Santa Claus"! I yelled. Everyone looked at me weirdly. "I honestly can't be angry with her". Clint said. "Yeah, that's how I'm still alive". Nat said. "See"! I said. "Now how about you go put that input somewhere else cause I ain't having it day". I said. "What way do you love him in"? Peter asked. "The way that makes you feel better about yourself". I said. Everyone looked at me, Peter was made. And I was annoyed. Peter walked off. "Wow, that was mean". Loki said laughing. "I'm not about to go after him, I'm not going to do it". I told myself. "Man I fucking hate love". I said going after Peter.

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