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I'm doing to do something that I should have done before I got to camp, I'm going to fucking kill myself. I start to cry as I realize to what I would miss if I let the world right now. I would miss my family, my very few friends, and most off all, I would miss Earnest, because at the end of the day, I knew that in my heart, I was in love with him. I had the belt around my neck and I could have easily thrown the other side of the belt over a rail, pulled it tightly and locked it so I could have died. But as I was standing there, ready to do it, I realized how stupid I looked. I vowed myself that I would never kill myself, especially over some boy, I don't care if I was in love with him, he was still just a boy, he could have easily been replaced.

I realize my stupidity and throw off the belt from my neck. I start to walk back to my bunk and just wait for the rest of my bunk to come back.

*The Next Day*

I realized after that experience that what I'm doing is exactly the type of girl I didn't want to be. I would always tell myself I would never be that girl, and look at me now, I'm exactly what I feared. I need to stop letting Gabby rule my life, I need to move on, she isn't worth my time. As I start to get ready for breakfast, I realize I need to cut her and possibly Earnest out of my life. I start to brainstorm for a moment before I realize, I can somehow plot revenge against them by furthering my relationship with Marco. He's such a sweet guy but I don't know how he's going to react about the whole "me liking Earnest thing. I just hope that everything turns out ok.

*After Breakfast*

I walk up to Marco and smile at him. He shoots me a quick smile before he looks away.

"Marco, what's wrong?"

Marco"I just don't know how to feel about you liking my best friend when I already asked you out."

"Marco, I'm over him, I just want to move on, but thanks to Gabby, that's not really working out."

I can't believe what I'm saying, I know that I'm just lying to myself.

Marco"Are you completely sure about what your telling me?"

"I've never been more positive in my life, and that crush I had on him was a schoolgirl crush, you can easily get over those."

Marco"Ok then, then lets go to Optionals."

"Ok then."

I then loop my arm around his and we start walking towards Optionals and I'm happy that I fixed my relationship with Marco, but the big problem is, will it ever be possible to fix my relationship with Earnest and not make things worse?

Authors Note: Yay I finally posted after who knows how long?? Well I'm really sorry, I've just been busy.... I know that's not a proper excuse, but I truly was, but now schools out, so I will try to post more often. Well, upload ya later!!!!

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