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I just don't know what to do sometimes. I can't believe that Earnest really doesn't like me, or is that in my head and I need to show him that I'm the girl that he's suppose to be with? I don't even know.

I quickly look up and see the last person I needed right now. I quickly wipe at my eyes before Gabby notices anything, but I know I'm too late. "Stella, are you ok?" "I'm just fine Gabby, just got some dust in my eye." "Ok then, just let me know if you ever want to talk." "Sure Gabby, you'll be the first person that I'll talk to."

*Skipping to Stella saying goodbye to Earnest*

"I'll see you tomorrow morning then Earnest, have a safe overnight and don't fucking do anything stupid." "I'll try my best Stella, but you do have to remember what bunk I'm in" "That's completely tru..." "Steallllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!" I secretly hate the world right now for making me friends with Gabby and making her show up out of nowhere. "Stella, they want you back at the bunk ASAP" "Alright Gabby, I'll go back, but I just need to say good bye to Earnest." "Fine Stella, oh yeah Earnest, your here and your leaving on your overnight, well bye!" Then she quickly embraced him into a tight hug and holding on way longer then you should when you just met the person 2 days ago. I'm fuming with jealousy and when she finally lets go I pull Earnest into a tight hug too. He hugs me back and when I start to let go, he holds me in a way that makes me feel like he's going to kiss me(you know how in some movies they hug and when they start to pull apart, they linger for a moment before they passionately kiss each other..... hopes this helps somehow to get the picture) his hands go to my face and then he......

Authors note:Bwahahahaha, left you on a cliffhanger, I'm so evil 😏. JK JK , ill upload the next chapter as soon as I can........ Well bye!!!!!!!!!

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