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I wake up in the morning feeling amazing. I dress kinda nice today, but simple enough so no one will get any ideas. I make sure not to have any interaction with Gabby. I refuse to let her spoil my amazing mood.

*Skipping to where Gabby decides to confront Stella*

I come back to the bunk to see Gabby sitting on my bed. I start to walk out before I hear

G:"I need to know if you like Earnest Stella, I keep getting the feeling that you do."

I take a deep breath "Yes Gabby, I really like Earnest, I've liked him ever since camp ended last year. Do you know how much it hurts to hear you talk about him like that, it hurts so much, I can't even put it into words."

G:"Oh Stella, why didn't you tell me? I would have never fallen for him then. The only thing is that I honestly don't really see you with Earnest, even before I started to like him, I can honestly see you with Marco."

"I know that you are only saying that so you can end up with him Gabby, I can see it in your eyes."

G:"Fine Stella, I'm mostly saying that so I can end up with him, but I could maybe see myself dating Marco, but I can see myself more with Earnest honestly."

"I can't believe you would say a thing like that Gabby, you should be supporting me, not acting like a bitch."

G:"Do you not hear yourself, Stella, you sound like a major bitch."

"I don't need this Gabby, I'm out."

I then storm out of the bunk and I'm positive on my decision. I'm going to tell Earnest how I feel tonight after the movie.

Authors Note: 😮 Stella told Gabby how she feels about Earnest, what do you think happens next. See you on the next update ☺

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