Im here

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I'm taking a deep breath as I leave the health center, I see some of my friends who I share a bunk with and I ask them if they have seen Earnest. they reply saying no knowing that me and him are best friends. They asked me and him a lot last year if we were going out because we would always hang out. They even said that we kissed because we were extremely close and it looked like out lips touched at the movie last year.

(Author's Note:In the camp that Stella and Earnest attend, every Saturday the camp hosts a movie night. For the older kids, they take advantage of the movie time to make out and do non-pg things. Stella and Earnest were talking to each other really closely and it looked like they were kissing, which is why they said they were going out. Sorry for disrupting the story, I just needed to say that.)

I calmly replied ok while my heart was shattering, if he did come with his parents, he should have already been here. It's a pretty small camp and everyone knows each other, whether you talk to them or not. When I get the ok to leave, I quickly bolt out of there, but I try to not to make it obvious that I'm looking for Earnest.

When I get to the courtyard, I quickly whip my head around and to my dismay, I don't see Earnest anywhere.

Author's Note: cliffhanger!!! What do you think happens, since I can't fucking sleep, I might just post the next chapter.

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