New girl

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I get to my bunk exhausted because I had to walk up a small steep hill to get there. Luckily they brought my luggage up in the car or else I would have died carrying it up. Since I get there last because of the bus, I normally get the last bunk bed there is. To my luck, I get a bottom bunk, I never had a great liking to getting a top bunk.

I see the other girls finishing unpacking and I haven't even started. I sigh and look at my luggage and wonder how long this is going to take me to unpack into my space.

*30 minutes later*

I finish putting away the last of my things and I'm so happy, why do I always feel like I always overpack? Just as I finish, the counselors tell us to get together to play some games to get to know each other. One of the girls say "but we all have been in a bunk together for at least a year, why do we need to do this?" The counselors reply with "if you didn't realize there is a girl in here who this is her first year." We look around and notice that one girl who looks so nervous. I don't blame her, she doesn't know any of us. luckily she tells us her name is Gabriella. We awkwardly look around because there is another girl named Gabriella too.

The counselors just decide to start the games but we run into problems when one of the Gabriella's are called. When one is called the other looks up confused. Then the new girl tells us just to call her Gabby so we don't confuse their names.

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