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*skipping to when Stella confronts Earnest*

Finally the games ends and I couldn't be happier. Why do we all have to do this because of one new girl -_-. I love this camp but I swear we sometimes waste time on stupid things.

Once again, we are rounded up and told we are going to play these games again, only with the older boys. I agree but then I realized one thing, Earnest is in that bunk.

I slowly walk outside, which earns weird looks from the other girls, but I don't look at them. I almost stop in my tracks when my eyes lay on Earnest. Gosh, why does he have to be so cute? Then a frown goes on my face when I see him talking to Marco, I don't know but I just get a weird vibe from him.

The boys know I'm really good friends with Earnest so they move so I can sit near him. Finally when everyone settles down they tell us the rules to the game. One person has to go to the center of the big circle, that person then has to call out a simple thing on anyone(etc. glasses, purple on their clothes, long hair) then all the people who have that run into the circle and then run to a different spot from where they were. The last person in the circle must repeat the process.

Finally we start, the boy says long sleeve shirt, I don't have one so I stay put, but Earnest had one and so did the person next to me. He takes off and I gesture to him to come next to me and I swear my heart starts to beat faster every step that he takes closer. He finally stops next to me and since he ran quickly, we had time to talk before someone else called something else to start the game again. I take a deep breath and say hi to him. He replies back with a simple hello, to continue the conversation, I ask him about his year. He luckily starts talking to me, giving me the perfect excuse to look at him.

Then finally one person is left and she calls saying that if you don't have shoes. Neither Earnest nor I have shoes on and we decide to switch places. In order to get to the other's spot and not bring attention to ourselves, we had to brush our bodies against each other. I honestly swear I was on cloud 9 when his body was near mine.

Every time one of us had to run, we tried our best to stay near each other and every time both of us had the same thing we would just would switch places. Then about 20 minutes later, they told us that the game had ended, but we had 10 minutes to talk to each other before we went back to our bunks. Earnest and I ended catching up even more. Since he's a huge jokester, he cracked many jokes and I laughed so much that the other kids kept looking back at us. But I didn't care at that moment, as long as Earnest was here to talk to, I wouldn't really give a fuck about it.

Unfortunately, they told us 10 minutes was up and we had to go back to our bunks. Sadly, I got up and I saw Earnest slowly getting up. My heart started beating even quicker, as if that were possible, I though he was going to try to do something, like kiss me it something along those lines, turns out he was really tired and then quickly said "See you at dinner, Stella." trying to hide my embarrassment, I quickly ran to my bunk. I wanted so badly to cry but I couldn't because my whole bunk was staring at me. So I just calmly sat on my bed and waited until I got called for dinner.

Authors Note:Sorry for not updating for like a day or two. My mom got me a job. Please tell me if there are any typos, once again I wrote this on the train ._.

I'll try to write another chapter after school, talk to you guys later 😊

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