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*I can't take it anymore, he needs to know.*

"The reason why I call her a bitch is because she stopped being my best friend that night you and her got together, but she still thinks we're friends."

G:"EARNEST!!!!!!!!! STELLA!!!!!!!!! Why you guys there??? Its a good thing Marco knew where you guys were."

I honestly hate the world, why couldn't it wait a little longer until I told him myself, with us alone.

"Gabby, I was about to tell him the thing that I told you on Saturday."

G:"Oh that thing...."

E:"Can someone just clear me up on what this 'thing' is??"

G:"Oh it's just that Stella used to like you."

E:"You use to like me???"

"Well actually I still like you now" I manage to mumble out.

E:"Ohhhhh, love triangle....."

I look down in shame, I can't believe that just happened, that Gabby just told him like that. I wanted to tell him myself. As if things couldn't get worse, Earnest grabs my chin and pushes up my head to look at him.

E:"This will not change a thing between us, Stella, you will never stop being my best friend."

I'm guessing the world doesn't believe I've been punished enough, because here comes Marco. He shoots me a confused look.

M:"What's going on?"

G:"What's going on is that Stella just told Earnest that she likes him, while knowing that he has a girlfriend."

He just stares at me and I can't take it anymore, I just get up and I bolt out of there. The last thing I see before I leave is a giant smile on Gabby's face.

Authors Note:What the actual fuck just happened??? I don't even know where to start, poor Stella!!! Do you think what Gabby was a major bitch move or no???? I know it's a short chapter, but I didn't want to add anything else, just to give you a small piece, but such a juicy and dramatic one. Well anyways, upload ya later!!!!!

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