I can't stand looking at them

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I wake up early once more. I do my normal routine for when I fall asleep crying and go back to my bed. I just sit on my bed an look out the window until everyone starts waking up. I then get ready in a black pair of sweatpants and a baggy black sweater, I'm wearing this to represent my emotion. Then Gabby come up to me.

G:"You ok Stella? You don't look that good?"

"I'm totally fine Gabby, I just feel a little bit under the weather.

G:"Ok Stella, but I just want you to know that I'm here for you always."

"Ok Gabby, thanks."

I walk out ready for breakfast. I'm not hungry at all, I just want a reason to not talk to anyone. I just feel so empty, so alone. There's just a horrible void in my heart that makes me want to cry everytime I think about it. I sit down in the courtyard before I see Gabby and Earnest walking towards me, hand in hand. I can already feel the tears forming. Just the fucking cherry on top, Gabby sits next to me and Earnest on her other side. I shoot them a small smile before I tune them out, I'd rather not hear their fucking talk about being happy with each other and that fucking shit.

^After Breakfast^

E:"You ok Stella, you look out of it."

"I'm fine, I just feel a little sick, I may have caught something last night."

He pulls me into a tight hug, it takes away my breath for a moment.

E:"I really hope that you feel better, don't be afraid to ask me for anything, ok?"

I knew this was a bitchy move, because they just got together last night, but I still really needed to get it off my chest, I was going to tell him how I felt right now. It's do or die time.

"Actually, there is something I've been meaning to tell you for a while."


"Well I really..........."

Then out of fucking nowhere, the witch of the west comes out.

G:"Earnest , I really need to talk to you."

He suddenly turns his back to me and puts his full attention to Gabby like a puppy looking at his loving owner. I was so hurt and offended. I stood there awkwardly before I decided to leave. Worst thing was, Earnest didn't even realize I was gone.

Authors note: The story keeps getting heartbreaking 😭😞😔

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