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*Skipping to before the movie*

I sit down near the front and motion to Earnest to come sit down next to me. He luckily sees me and sit down next to me. I swear I can't breathe because he's so close to me. I then notice Gabby sat down on his other side and Marco next to her. Just great.......

I start to watch the movie and I have to say, its pretty good but I've seen better. I look to my side and see Earnest talking to Gabby. I feel a little hurt since he turned away from me, but I shrug it off and continue looking at the movie. About 15 minutes have passed and I look to my side ready to make a comment on the movie to Earnest. I notice in shock that his arm is around her and her head is resting on his shoulders. It takes me a few second to realize what happened. I eventually realize that she beat me to it to tell him her feelings. I already feel the tears forming and to my stupid seating arraignment, I'm trapped to leave for the bathroom. I notice that the row behind us only had one kid so I quickly get up to go the bathroom after asking that one kid if I could move. I calmly walk outside not trying to bring any attention on myself. The moment I get outside, I run so quickly to the bathroom. I lock myself in a stall and I cry. I've been holding in my tears with sounds for a year so that comes out as well(the sounds with the tears) I hear someone come in and I stop with the sounds, quietly crying to myself. I then hear

G:"Stella I know your in there, please come out."

I hesitantly come out and I just look at her. She quickly pulls me into a hug and I just let it all out. I cry into her shirt and basically soak it in tears. She then tells me what happens, how they got together.

G:"Before the movie, he asked me to sit next to him, so I did. We started talking during the movie and then he just told me that he really liked me, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend, I of course accepted. But I need to know Stella, if you don't want me to be with him, I won't, it's chicks before dicks."

I take a deep breath and lie straight to her face"You can date him Gabby, I'm over him already, you go be happy, let me just clean up and I'll meet you back at the theatre."

G:"Thanks Stella, I'll see you back there then." She then left.

I look at myself in the mirror and think 'Your so fucking stupid, you had so many chances to fucking tell him and of course you had to blow all of them. Now Gabby's with him and and chance you had of dating him is over.'

I quickly clean myself up and trudge back to the theatre. I get back to my seat before Earnest bombards me with questions

E:"Are you ok Stella? You were gone for a while."

"I'm fine, I just had some female problems and luckily Gabby was there to help me."

E:"I'm glad that your fine Stella, just be careful next time."

"Ok I will."

I thank The Lord as a few minutes later the movies ends. I wait to be dismissed and I kinda bolt out of there. I once again feel the tears coming as I run to my bunk. I go the bathroom and I clean up my face. I look and see I look like a wreck, I'm surprised he didn't question how I looked. I calm myself down as I get ready for bed. Just as I finish changing , the rest of my bunk walks in and I go straight to bed. I feel the weight shift on my bed as I realize Gabby sat down.

G:"Are you sure you're ok? I'm here if you want to talk."

I lie once more "I'm completely fine, I'm just really tired and if you don't mind, I'd like to go to sleep."

G:"Ok then Stella, I hope that you sleep well."

"I hope the same for you."

With that she gets off my bed and leaves. I start to quietly sob and I fall into a horrible sleep.

Authors note:omg this is horrible right? Well update ya later! :)

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