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I'm so excited for banquet because I'm planning a secret skit that no one knows about. I'm going to be singing a song and I'm pretty excited. But first I actually need the lyrics so I can practice. I go to the office.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could get a printout of lyrics?"

Person there:"Of course Stella, of what song?"

"The lyrics of _ ________ _____ by _________ _____"

(Sorry guys, keeping the song private until she actually sings it, hope you understand. I put the line for the name, guess in the comments what it is!!!)

Person there:"Great choice, are you going to sing it at banquet?"

"Yep, I'm excited."

The lyrics get printed out and I grab them.

Person there:"Good luck, I know it's going to sound amazing."

I smile.

"Thanks so much, bye!!!!!"

I leave and quickly go to drop off the lyrics at my bunk and to hide them.

As I'm leaving, I run into Earnest and Gabby. I think she notices me and starts to act more flirty with him. As she starts to pull him into a kiss, I run away. I run to a secluded area and drop to the floor. I start to cry, I just can't believe it. Why would Gabby do this to me? Even if supposedly ''I don't like him anymore'' you don't do that shit. I get up a few moment later when I hear footsteps. I wipe away my tears and hide behind a big tree. I see Earnest and Gabby walking, holding hands. I hold my breath as I watch them without trying to make a noise. I don't think she notices me as she isn't flirting with him that much. He smiles at her before he grabs her waist and try's to pull her into a kiss. She at last minute turns her head so he kisses her cheek.

He gives her a confused look.

G:"Darling, I want our first kiss to be special, to be in front of everyone. Stella totally supports our relationship and I want her to see this."

I feel my face burn up with anger, this fucking bitch want to see me suffer???? What did I ever fucking do to her???? I want so badly to run out from behind the tree, but Earnest might question why I'm behind there in the first place, so I decide to stay still. He shoots her a confused look.

E:"Who is Stella to be involved in our relationship, it's only about you and me, not her."

I instantly stop breathing, I can't believe this, I feel the tears threading to fall but I refuse to cry right now. After a few minutes, they finally leave. I wait a little more before I move, sink down to the ground and just cry. I sit in the fetal position before I get up and run towards my bunk. I make sure Gabby isn't there and I find one of my friends. I pour out what just happened. She pulls me into a tight hug and let's me cry into her shoulder.

"I'm just so hurt, I don't know what to do."

Girl:"Don't sweat it darling, neither one of them are worth it."

"Thanks for making me feel better....."

Gabby then bursts into the room. She spots me crying.

G:"Omg Stella, you ok????"

Girl:"She is just fine, she's just a little homesick, and since I know her better, just let me deal with it."

I turn around and smirk to the other girl about Gabby's reaction to what she just said.

*The Next Day*

I walk up to Earnest.

"Can we talk alone?"


We walk a little bit away from everyone else.

E:"What's up Stella."

I end up doing the unexpected, something I should have done a long time ago.....

Authors note:Sorry for the super shitty cliffhanger, and for a really short chapter, but what do you think Stella ends up doing???? Comment your answer.

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