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I head down to dinner and I see the last person I wanted to talk to. Yep that's right everyone, I saw mother-fucking Earnest who I can't get mad at for anything in life. I really didn't want to talk to him today. I ask why The Lord wasn't my friend today as Earnest made his way over to me. "Hey Stella."

"Hi Earnest." He looks at me with a worried look on his face. "Gabby told me about what happened between you and her yesterday, listen I'm really sorry if I offended you in any way, that wasn't my intentions." I murmur under my breath "I see that you talked to HER." "I'm sorry Stella, I didn't catch that? Can you repeat what you said?" "Nothing Earnest, I just said that its ok." "Ok then Stella, come on, let's go wait for dinner." "Ok."

I end up sitting at dinner with Earnest and you guess it, Gabby. I swear I couldn't breathe for a moment when Earnest sat next to me, but he also sat next to Gabby, which put my ego down a little. Marco was going to sit with us, but there wasn't anymore room, so he ended up sitting at another table. We finally got the ok to eat and I filled my plate because I was starving. I guess making up with a friend took out a lot of energy from you. I start eating and out of the corner of my eye, I notice that Earnest and Gabby still haven't grabbed anything to eat yet. I found that a bit odd until I realized they were talking. I didn't really pay attention to it until I asked Earnest to pass me the water that was near him but he didn't reply or pass it. I just shrugged it off, guessing he didn't hear me because it was really loud in the dining hall. I ask again but in a more louder and clearer tone, but he still doesn't hear me. I think for a few seconds and decide to just shake him and then ask him. I do so and to my horror that only makes him turn his back to me and turn closer to Gabby, a little to close to people who just met the day before. I can feel my heart shattering a little and excuse myself to the bathroom. I shut myself in the stall and let the tears fall, I stay there for only a few minutes to make it believeable that I just used the bathroom, I carefully wipe my tears away and wash my hands and face. I then walk back to the dining hall and Earnest and Gabby are now eating but still talking. I calmly sit down and continue eating, but barely, I just move my food around the plate. Earnest realizes this and asks me "Stella why did you grab so much food if you weren't going to eat it all?" "I dunno, I just felt like it." before getting up quickly and leave the dining hall.

I start walking towards the bathroom until I feel someone grab my arm. "Are you ok Stella?" I realize the voice speaking is Earnest. "I'm just peachy Earnest, never been better. Now just go back to your new girl best friend, since you just lost me." I sharply yank my arm out of his grip and run towards my bunk. I end up going to sleep that night crying my eyes out.

Authors Note:Awwww poor Stella.... What do you guys think of this chapter? I'm sorry for not updating, still busy with work 😔. I'll try to update tomorrow.

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