Chapter 51

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Demi was walking down the hallways as it was finally Thursday. The day that her photoshoot and interview was taking place. The others had already had their as none of their questions were the same. Very similar but not the exact copy, Demi was nervous as she didn't know what to expect. Looking down at what she was wearing as she had a black skirt, black flats, a flower top and her white leather jacket. Also adding curls to her hair this morning as she took a shower in the morning which meant she woke up at five in order to give herself a lot of time to get ready. By the time she finish she like how she looks, and head outside of the house with her stuff.
From what the Perrie told her that her interview will be first and then her photoshoot will take place. Demi was nervous but extremely excited for it to begin. With two class period already pass by as they were calling kids down to one of the gyms. Demi couldn't help but play with the sleeve of her jacket as she kept nervous. She had applied a little bit of makeup as she wanted to be presentable. Her dad, the boys and Harry told her that she didn't need makeup as she already beautiful. Moving her lips together as she could feel the lipglosses on the tip of her tongue. Trying to pay attention to what the teacher was saying but all she could hear was the whispers from the students behind her about how his interview went. Demi was hoping that her interview would be before lunch as she fear that her nerves would get the better of her. Pulling on her jacket as the teacher gave them a worksheet that have words that they would see with in the next few weeks. Looking at the words as they all became a soup letter as she couldn't focus on anything. Not until she knows if she got in or not. Hearing the door open as everyone head turn to the direction of man who walk in with a clipboard in his hand. Looking at Demi's teacher as he apologizes for interrupting his class.

"I came to grab the next kid that is scheduled for the interview."

He quickly took a look at his paper as he flip the paper over to see the other one.

"Demetria Lovato"

He said in his deep voice as the whole class turn to her direction. They really help her with trying to kill her nerve. Collecting her things as she move out of the classroom with the stranger. Placing the backpack strap on her shoulder as they walk down the empty hallway.  They made their way towards the gym that they would have pep rally's as Demi never really like them. Demi and Liam always struggled to find Perrie and Niall when they entered the gymnasium. Remembering that Harry didn't like them either, he would always stay in his class while those are happening. She would be jealous of him as he stay grading papers then to see the "School's spirit". Taking Harry off her mind as she entered as they had completely transform the whole gym to make it look nice. The first thing she notice is that they had a poster with the School's name on it.

Demi couldn't help but smile as the School's name

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Demi couldn't help but smile as the School's name. Soon her were being to wonder around as she could see then working quickly setting up the photoshoot.

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