Chapter 22

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Demi's mind kept on going to her dad as he didn't even check on her threw the whole night. He seem distracted when she woke him up that morning. Looking back at her friends who was looking at her with concern eyes. They were sitting down at their regular spot in the cafeteria. She was so deep in her own little world that she mange block out the world around her.

"What? Sorry I wasn't listening."

She told them as they all just shake their head to her. They smile at her as Perrie look at her.

"I ask you how did you like the pie. Did it taste good ? My mom told me to ask you."

Demi realize what she meant as she only nodded her head.

"Yeah it was delicious. Tell your mom thank you for making it and inviting me."

Demi only said as she smile at her friend. Her mind was distracted as she couldn't focus on anything threw most of the day. The fact that her dad didn't tell her that he was seeing somebody, that what hurt her the most. He wasn't honest with her. They never had a talk about him moving on or asking her if she was okay with it. Rubbing her face as she felt frustrated. Hearing Niall's voice as he said that they should hang out after school. Demi and Liam both shook their head saying no.

"I can't I have work."

Liam said as Demi remember that he works. Demi tried to figure out an excuse as she was planning to stay after school with Harry. Looking at Niall as she found an excuse.

"I can't I have a lot of homework. I got behind in one of my classes."

Niall understanding as he gave them a a soft smile but Demi could see the disappointment in his eyes. Demi was about to tell him they could hang out on Saturday but they blow the whistle before she can even get a word out. Looking at the assistance principles as they all grab their things as they headed to their 6th period. Demi started to feel bad as she had lie to Niall. Her stomach started to hurt as she had started to lie more often then ever. Walking into her art class as she sat down in her regular spot before placing her hands on her head.

Soon the last bell rang as she watch Liam put his notebook inside his backpack. They said a quick goodbye as finally the last student left. Harry was sitting down in his chair as Demi walk to him sitting down on his desk. He had his chin resting against his hand as he was only looking at Demi.

"What do you want to do? I don't have any papers to grade."

Harry ask as he place his chin in his hand. Demi move her head to get her bangs away from her eye as she thought about it. Biting her bottom lip as she look back at her backpack.

"Do you want go to the music room? I would like for you if you could teach me the song you wrote."

Harry smile as they grab their things. Harry lock his door as they walk down the hall. They were looking at each other as both of their smiles grew. Harry took out the key to the room as he made sure nobody was near them. Opening the door as he switch the light as he watch the room become filled with light. Letting Demi step in as he close the door behind them. He look into the hallway as nobody was there. They would forget that they have cameras all over the campus. Harry took out the keys to the room before turning on the light. He turn around as he watch Demi enter the room, put her bag down as she sat down on the chair. He walk up to her as she place her finger on the keys.

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