Chapter 7

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The sky was cloudy as it gave a cold look upon the town. Many kids were walking or riding their bikes back home. Perrie had been telling Demi what had happen to her during her 7th period class but Demi seemed distracted.
She couldn't quite get him out of her mind.
He was so tall compared to her, who only stood at 5'3. His curly hair that she wish she could run her fingers threw. She came back to earth as she heard the honk of a car in front of her. Quickly looking over as she saw a car stopping. Looking at the driver who looked mad as he only shook his head. Getting off the street as she look back and watch the car disappear into the street. Taking a deep breath as she heard Perrie's voice behind her.

"Dems, what's up? Are you okay? "

Demi got off her bike as she just needed to clear her mind a bit. Rubbing her eye as she watch Perrie getting off her bike.

"Are you going to tell me what happened today? You seem distracted."

Liam had told Perrie that she acted weird during their last class. Rubbing her hands together as Demi put her eyes on Perrie. She's going to sound like a freak if she tells her, that she found her mystery guy. Going against her gut as she decided lying would be the best option.

"You can relax. I'm just on my monthly. I usually act weird when I am."

Perrie nodded her head understand. Looking at Demi one more time as they continue to walk to their house. Demi didn't know what to do with him. He's a hot older guy, after they had finished their papers there were still a lot of extra time left. He let the students ask him questions about how the year is going to go and personal questions. He's has a fiancee, which made Demi lose her breath. He's happy with somebody else. Then why did it looked like he was falling in love or caught something when they looked into each other's eyes. Looking forward as she saw her house.

"I should get going. I have homework to do. Talk to you later?"

Demi said as she look at Perrie. Perrie smile as they said goodbye. Demi quickly getting into her house as she started to feel sick. Closing the garage door as place the break on the bike. Opening the door as she drop her bag running to the bathroom. Putting the toilet seat up as she started to throw up.
After a few minutes she was coming out of the bathroom with tears in her eyes. Walking to the garage door to get her bag. Closing the door as she walk to the kitchen. Opening the fridge as she grab a lime and a sprite. Cutting the line into two pieces before placing it inside her mouth. Grabbing the soda and her bag as she walk to her room. Taking off her shoes by the door as she look into her room.

Walking to her bed as she place the can on the night stand. Sitting down on the edge as she put her bag next to her. Taking out the lime from her mouth as she look at it. Licking her lips as she heard her phone beep. Knowing that it was her dad checking on her. Grabbing her phone quickly typing in her response. Sending the text as she place her phone down. Opening her backpack as she took out her English notebook. Mr.Styles had asked them to find a picture that means a lot to them and try write about it. Demi had like the idea, he really did want to get to know them. Walking to her desk as she took out a box that had all of her photos. Looking threw them as she found the one she was looking for. Smiling down at the picture, placing down the picture as she went to go get her notebook. Grabbing that and a pencil she walked back to her chair. Opening to the last page she use as she look at the picture one more time.

 Opening to the last page she use as she look at the picture one more time

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