Chapter 25

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Demi watch as her father open another bottle of beer. It wasn't unlike him to drink when he felt stress out but thankfully it didn't happen that often. She would watch as he chucked the bottle down.

It was as if he was trying to figure what to say to her

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It was as if he was trying to figure what to say to her. Demi's eyes would go to the two bottles he finish only a few minutes after she had asked him. Once they stood up and went to the dinning table. She heard him open the door for the refrigerator, hearing the click of the bottles as they hit each other. Knowing that this was going to end up with tears from the both of them as she walk by the side table, grabbing the box of tissue that they had place on it.
Now Demi was watching as he place down the bottle as he kept holding it. Licking her lips as she decided to tell him what was on her mind.

"Dad I want you to move on."

Their eyes would meet each other as Demi finish her sentence.

"I also want to move on too. But I can't do that without knowing the truth. Please end my misery."

She extended her hand as she grab his own. His eyes would go down to hers as he felt sad knowing that this was for the best.

"It was a day that you were staying over at Nick's place. Your mom wasn't feeling well, so I took her to the doctor."

He took a deep breath as he hold on to Demi's hand with a strong force.

"She was nervous as she kept on coughing. She had a bad feeling about it. I told her that everything was going to be fine. She didn't needed to be worry about it. Little did I know about what she had."

Demi could see the tears beginning to form in his eyes. She started to feel bad knowing that he had moved on. She had made him go back to his living hell he went through alone. She watch as he controlled his emotions as he ran his hand threw his hair, taking deep breaths.

"The doctor ran many test on her as I still had hope. It felt like it was hours when they got the result back. I was trying to calm down your mom when the doctor told us what was wrong."

He lifted his hand as he look into Demi's eyes as he kiss her hand.

"He told us that she had Leukemia. It was as if time had stop as I watch your mom break down."

Demi gave him a confuse face as she had never heard of that dieses before.
"What that ?"

He took a deep breath as he started to explain what Leukemia.

"Leukemia is a type of cancer that the blood-forming tissues. It makes the body weak and it creates difficulties for the body to fight infections."

Writing Our Story (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora