Chapter 15

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Demi was laying down on her bed facing the ceiling. Once she had gotten home she did every she need to get done. She had finish her homework which wasn't a lot, and did her choirs. She felt bored with her life, even though she lucky had friends that live close by to hang out with. She always felt as she was a bother to them, even to Nick. Who she has know her whole life. Exhaling a she tried to go into deep thought but of what ? Her mind was distracted as she herd her phone buzz. Looking over at her night stand as she grab it. Pressing in her password, as she saw that somebody send her a message. Opening the message as to her surprise it was Harry. He must have saved her number after she had called him to get answers. He had only send a message saying hi with a smiley face. It created a smile on her face as she typed in hello. They soon start to talk about random topics as he ask what are her hobbies. Demi thought about it as she typed in her answer.

💬Well I like to draw. I have a few on my desk. (Messy desk though) I also enjoy writing, I find it very therapeutic in a way. I very much like drawing. I drew my friend with a picture I took. And song writing, which you already know. What about you, Mr.Styles? ? What are your hobbies?
:) :p 💬

Sending the texts as she ask him the same question.

Harry was at his house alone, like always. After he had left the restaurant, he drove back home as he heard a voicemail from Kendall saying she's working late. He had the whole house lock but his office. He only had the lamp on as his coat hang from his seat. Hearing his phone move on the table as he smile knowing that it was Demi. He felt like a child getting butterflies or nervous when he was close to her. He never thought he enjoy teaching and getting to know students. He laugh as he read about her messy desk. Looking up to his as it was place neatly with graded and ungraded papers. Along with a red pen laying around and an open book he was reading. Looking down at his phone as he thought about his hobbies.

💬 I always like photography. I actually have a professional camera. I usually take pictures of random things. I prefer them in black and white. Along with writing but I haven't done it in a while. 💬

He send the text as he turn his head to see his camera just sitting down on a shelf with camera rolls next to it. Looking at a scrapbook he had put all of his develop pictures in. Grabbing the book as he went threw them, a few of them were good in his opinion. Hearing his phone go off as he grab it.

💬How about we make a deal. I will create a original song just for you. While you take a picture of me with your beautiful camera. What do u think? ;)

Harry smile at the small winking face. He bite his bottom lip as he thought about it. Looking at his scrapbook as he thought he could take out the worst ones.

💬You got yourself a deal, little lady.💬

Sending the message as he thought about her blushing when he called her little lady. She always got so shy when he gave her a comment about anything. Her eyes to her beautiful voice. He smile at his phone as he close his scrapbook. Getting up from his seat as he put it away. Grabbing his phone as he place it in his back pocket. Walking about of his office as he headed to the master bedroom. Walking to his side of the bed as he sat down on the bed. Opening his night stand as he always kept a book, a journal, and a black pen. Grabbing his journal and his pen as he close the small door. Taking off his shoes as he got comfortable on the bed. Pressing the top of the pen as he thought about anything he could write about. Then that dream come back to him. Looking at the paper as he wrote down what he could remember. His feelings were controlling what he was writing down as he soon wrote about Kendall working late hours and how Demi stayed after school to see if he was okay. He would then described Demi in detail as he let his emotions flow into the pen's ink.

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