Chapter 11

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The sun was coming into the dark room passing the curtains. Slowly hitting the peaceful girls body. Her hair was messy as she body was wrapped in the black and white covers. She had another night of a dreamless night. She did really enjoy those night where her mind was just a big blank as she didn't have any joyful dream or nightmare. She was grateful for those dreams. Every time she would wake up she felt as if something wonderful would happen that day. Moving her arm as she slowly starts to get up. Knowing that she was home alone as she didn't need to hurry. Taking off the covers from her body as she sat up on her bed. Letting her feet touch the ground as she let out a yawn. Pushing her body off her bed as she made her way out of her room. Walking to the bathroom as she didn't know what she would do today could be a lazy day or could be a day of fun and adventure. Washing her face before using the bathroom. Walking out of the bathroom as she could hear her phone going off. Walking to her room as she pick up her phone. Niall had send a text to their group chat saying that there a open mic at a local coffee shop. Demi raising her eyebrow as she bit her bottom lip. Turning around as she saw her notebook that was filled with original songs she had written. Hearing her phone go off as Liam and Perrie had reply as they were both in. Not wanting to be left out, Demi wrote that she would go. Perrie said that they will meet each other at the corner of their street in an hour. Demi placing her phone down as she went to go get ready.

Demi had her small backpack which contain her notebook, pencil along with other things. Placing her phone in her back pocket as she walked out of the house. Locking the front door as she could see Perrie doing the sane thing. Walking down the steps as before crossing the street to meet Perrie.

"Did Niall say where it was going to be at ?"

Demi said as she walked in front of Perrie.

"No but I know where he talking about. It's at Cory's Coffee Place, they always had open mic on the weekends. Lucky they drop the age limit two years ago. Now even teenagers could do it."

Perrie said with a smile. They start to made their way to the shop as they eventually found the boys halfway through their journey. They all had a song in mind but didn't know which one. Demi had butterflies in her stomach but she wanted to sing. She still needs to make up her mind on which song. Taking out her notebook as she had written a few songs but never performed them. There was this one song she really did enjoy but it was a duet, she had written it with Nick the year before. Looking up at the boys as she figured one of them could help her.

"Hey boys. I have this song in mind but it's a duet between a girl and boy. Which one of you two want to sing it with me?"

Demi said with a big smile on her face. The boys looked at each other as Niall raise his hand.

"I will help you with the song. Could I see it? "

Demi took out her notebook as she starts to flip through the pages. Finding the page she was looking for as she show it to him. They continue to walk to the shop as Niall learn the song. Returning the book to Demi when he was confident about the lyrics. Liam open the door to the shop as they enter. Demi's lungs were filled with the smell of chocolate and the over powering smell of coffee. It was rather dark as they had their curtains close. Niall shows Demi where to sing to perform as he wrote down their names. The man behind the counter said that they should be on in half an hour. They made their way to the table Perrie found which was front an center. Taking a seat as they watch the other people perform. They were nodding their head and tapping their feet as they enjoy their time. Demi turn her head as she heard the door open again. Her eyes widen when she saw a head filled with chocolate brown curls walk in. He had his arm over a tall brunette that she assume was his fiancee. Turning her head quickly as his eyes went to her direction. Taking a deep breath as she relax herself as she tried to focus on the person singing. Her nerve were relaxing over the time she watch other perform. Now they were overfilled, but why ? Was it because of him ? Seeming a shadow in front of her as she look up from the table. It was the manager telling them they were next. Niall nodded as he look at Demi with a smile. Getting up from the table as they made it to the side stage. They watch the girl finish her song as the whole room clap their hands. Niall and Demi moved out of the way as the girl got off the stage. The manger running up to introduce them before singing.

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