Chapter 4

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After they had gotten home Demi had went to her room. Sitting down on her chair in front of her desk as she stare at her computer. She had place the drawing of the flower into a folder and put away everything else. She was think about calling Nick but she didn't want to be, that one annoying friend that doesn't leave the other one alone. Pulling on her sleeve as she bite her nail looking at the computer. Placing both hands on her face as she shook her head. Taking a deep breath as she close the page, closing her computer as she got up from the chair. Walking over to her bed as she climb under the covers. Grabbing her notebook that she would always write in as she found a pen. Opening up the book at where she left off. Placing the date as she just started to write her thoughts about being far away from Nick. It hurt her being far away from her best friend that she has known since kindergarten. Then her mind went to Liam and Niall. They were very nice to her the other day. She smile to herself as she started to write about them. She started to describe their looks and how silly they were. She started to think about school that she would be starting soon. Her mind then went to the girl that was place into rehab. She wonder how she was doing. If she's getting better or if she's just screaming and kicking. Wanting to get her mind off the girl as she put her notebook away. Turning off the lamp as she lay down on her bed. Closing her eyes as her soul left her body and took her to a magical place.

She was playing down on the grass with the heat of the sun was bringing her warmth to her body. She could hear her favorite songs playing in the distance. Sitting up as her head turn to that direction. She saw many people dancing and laughing, it through a warmness to her stomach. Getting up as she dust herself off, slowly walking over there. She could hear music playing, children laughter but the one that made her heart skip a beat was her mother's voice. She stop on her track as many body bump into her. Tilting her head to that direction to make sure it was her. Hearing her voice was like the only gift she could ask for. Finding the muscles in her legs as she started to walk again. She kept on heading to the voice as soon as she saw her body a tear escape her eyes. Covering her mouth before a wiper could come out. Running to her mom as a bright white light starts to appear.

Opening her eyes to only find herself again in her room. She was breathing heavy as she sat up in her bed. Having a tear in her eye as she look over to her desk. Taking off the covers as her feet touch the ground. The cold floor send a shiver down her spin as her eyes were lock on her desk. Going to her desk as she found the thing she was looking for. Hugging it as she walk back to her bed. Shortly after laying down she fell asleep.

The next morning she was awoken by her phone going off. Rubbing her eye as she pick up her phone. Looking at the caller ID before answering.

"Hello Nick. Why are you calling me so early? "

"Sorry if I woke you up Dems. But you will never believe what I found out."

Demi rolling to her side as she told Nick to tell her.

"Do you remember our middle school English teacher ? Mr.Mauk"

"Yes, he's the one that help us understand The Giver. What about him?"

"Well I heard from a little bird that he moved to the town your at. He might be your teacher in the high school. I thought that might bring a smile to your face knowing that you would at least know somebody at your school."

Demi smile as he said those words. Running her hand threw her messy hair as they continue to talk for a few minutes. They said goodbye as Demi check the time on her clock as it read 9:30 am. Placing her phone on her night stand as she got up from her bed. Opening the door as she walk to the bathroom. Grabbing the handle as she knock making sure that her dad wasn't in there. After a few seconds she open the door as she step in. Quickly closing the door as she lock it. Doing her daily routine as she pick up her hair in a ponytail. Fixing her bangs as she walk out of the bathroom and throws the kitchen. Looking inside as she didn't see her dad with a raise eyebrow she question it. As he would always be up before her. Walking to his room as she quietly open his door and saw him sitting down in his chair next to his desk. Smiling at him as she took one step inside.

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