Chapter 13

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Mr.Styles had just finished the lesson as he let them do the assignment. Everybody was working on it but one. She was trying to find his emotions but couldn't. He has his walls build up pretty good. Demi play with her red sleeve as she look down at the paper. He wanted them to read this short story and to answer the questions that followed. She had already read the story but didn't remember it as she didn't find it very interesting. Demi did the assignment as she soon felt bord of it. Reading the first question as she place her cheek on her palm. Within 10 minutes she was finish, looking around the room as everyone was still working. Looking to where Liam sit as he had a highlighter in his hand, his face was pretty focus. She smile at her friend as he made a funny face when he focus to much. Demi look at the clock she just wanted class to end. She wanted to see if he was okay, but by the time she got to class it was filled. Letting go of her sleeve as she took a small piece of paper. Grabbing her pencil as she started to scribble in it. Putting down her phone number and her skype. Some way for him to get in contact with her. He had given them his email, but she thought it was to formal. Demi continue to play with her sleeve as she look at him. She look at the clock, there was only a few minutes left in class. She had told her friends earlier that she's staying for tutoring. She knew that he will be clueless when she's the only one left after class. Biting her bottom lip as she played with her pencil. She was in her own little world trying to figure out what on earth she will say to him. As she tried to come up with ideas, she tapped her pencil to the desk. Looking into space as her mind was in a colorful imagination with many different ideas. What snap her out of it was the bell. Looking around the class as everyone was packing up. Putting some of her things away as she kept her personal journal in her hand. Saying goodbye to Liam as he walked out the door. Zipping up her backpack as Mr.Styles was still on his computer. Once the last student was out, she got up from her desk. Placing her backpack's strap on her shoulder as she walk to his desk. She watch as his eyes went up to her.

"Yes, Demi? What can I help you with? Did those notes help you? "

Demi smile as she answer his question.

"Yeah, they did help a lot. Thank you"

He smile at her as he couldn't figure out what she need.

"Is there something else ?"

He look at her as she rub her hand on her arm.

"Yeah, actually. I wanted to see if your okay."

He gave her a confused he close his computer.

"What do you mean, if i'm okay?"

Placing some hair behind her ear as she tried to find some words.

"I saw you last night at the restaurant. I saw you throw away those flowers and cry. I just wanted to see if your okay, and if you want to talk about it?"

His eyes widen as she told him the little story. Looking at the door to see it close. Getting up from his chair, as he lock the door. Turning around as he had a confused and mad expression.

"Are you spying on me?"

Demi shook her head.

"No I just wanted to see if your okay. With that outburst you had and last night. I wanted to see if your okay. Are you okay ?"

She look at him with sad eyes as she walk to him. She wanted to see his eyes to know he isn't lying. Harry pulled on his hair, as he felt tears forming in the corner of his eyes. Sitting down on a student's desk as he broke down. He let his walls down, but how ? He had never broke down in front of somebody. He always did it when he was alone. Demi's heart ache for him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

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