Chapter 33

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Harry was playing a video on the story they were going to be working on for the next few weeks. His eyes scan the room to make sure everybody was paying attention.

So many things going through his head as he now needed to find an apartment, furniture for his place and along with the soon to be many bills to pay. But the most important thing running through his mind was the pretty girl with the brown hair.
She haven't been staying after school for the last few days. Along with ignoring his calls and texts. He had texted her this morning begging her to stay after school today. He didn't know her thoughts at the moment.

Every time he look into her eyes, he could see sadness and guilt.
He wish he could read her mind and take away all of her troubles.
He began to feel this burning sensation on the side of his head as he turn his head to the opposite side of the room. He didn't need an investigator to find out who was looking at him. The kid with the short brown hair that was playing with his pencil. He had a bad feeling about him whenever he saw him next to his girl.
He hated that he couldn't do anything about that kid. Seeing the video coming to an end as he got up from his chair. Pushing his hair backwards as the video ended.

"Can you turn on the light please."

Harry said to the kid with the gray sweater sitting down next to the light switch.

"I hope that you got most of those answers from video. But if you didn't it's fine. We're going over them in a minute. "

Harry said in a serious tone as he grab an extra sheet of paper from his desk. He then began to ask about the video as he went down the list of questions. Going around the classroom to pick random students to answer the question. Which help make a discussion into the class. Hoping that it would help those who didn't understand the topic.
By the time they finish answering the everything there was only five minutes left until the bell. Asking the kids to pass up the papers to the person in the front of the row. He went to go collect the papers as he saw a familiar writing. He saw how she wrote her name in cursive as she has place a heart on top of the I. He found it very cute the moment he saw it.

Walking to his desk as he place the papers in a clip not wanting to get it fix up with the others classes.

Taking his eyes up from the paper as he look around the class.

"We are going to be working on this story for the next few weeks until we go on break. This will be the one of the many works sheets. I won't grade them until that last Friday. Just in case you didn't get all of the answers. You don't have to worry about it."

Placing it on a folder where he kept all of his classes separated. Putting that away in his bag as they now waited for the bell. 

Most of the students were on their phones. He found it sad that none of them were drawing or reading. Looking at the front row as he saw Demi writing down in her notebook. By her hand movement he could tell that she was putting a lot of pressure into her writing. Her left hand was helping to keep her head up as she look tired. Her brown hair falling pass her shoulder as it was a beautiful shade of a milk chocolate bar.
He watch as she bite her bottom lip with her front teeth. He knew that there was something wrong but she wasn't telling him anything. He couldn't help her unless she came to him.

He only hope that she would stay today after school. He still haven't told her that he left Kendall. He wanted to tell her in person and show her the song he wrote.
Even if their relationship is wrong because of the age gap. He couldn't help but fall in love with his other half.
Hearing the bell go off as everybody had already pack and were making their way to the door. A few students say goodbye to Harry as most of the students walk out of the classroom. Seeing his classroom a mess with paper or food wrappers on the floor upset him.
Walking to the other side as Demi had just began to pack up. Hearing footsteps as Demi look upwards as saw her the guy that she couldn't help but kiss. He look nervous as his hands were shaking but he tried to hide it when having them in his pockets.

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