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"You know I wonder, why does Z look so" Yanjun said while rubbing his chin with his hand, "so depressed".

He took one of the beers from the sixpack they bought at the supermarket moments earlier. Since it was five of them and six beers, they knew there will be an argument later on who gets the last one.

Cyriel snickered as he took a sip of his beer, "maybe his cats broke up with him".

While Z was rolling his eyes, Yuan who was the one who stuck up for him and told Cyriel to shut up.

It had only been Yuan who noticed that there was really something going on with Z- that something happened that made him change back into the old Z. He noticed that his friend wasn't acting as himself for a few days now- and he wondered what was going on with him.

But then in Yanjun and Yuta's defence, they had only known him for a few weeks unlike Yuan and Cyriel. They were still getting to know each other.

"I'm not depressed, there's nothing going on. Life just sucks".

The last thing Z wanted right now was to tell them about Latvia and what happened. If he told them what she said they would probably get upset or even mad. He knows his friends are good guys so he still doesn't know what she meant.

Yuta scoffed, "sounds depressed to me, but don't worry it will change soon" he told him before smirking.

The others had no idea what Yuta was talking about, only Z understood what he meant. The moment he had been waiting for was finally coming and hopefully soon he would meet his brother again.

His mind was already predicting how his brother would look like, if he is as tall as he is. Still he was scared that he wouldn't be able to recognise his own brother.

"Wait, are you going on a date with Z" Yanjun yelled as he stared at his brother, "because it sounds as if you two are up to something".

Z wanted to tell them it was nothing and that Yuta was just helping him out finding his brother.

"Oh it's nothing, I just arranged a date with this girl for him because he seemed to sad. Spoiler alert, he accepted".

A soft sigh escaped Z's mouth as he covers his face with his hand.

Yuan and Cyriel were looking at each other before bursting out in laughter. They didn't believe a word of what Yuta said, because they knew Z and he would never go on a date with someone he has never met before. He wouldn't even go on dates with people he knows.

"Nice joke, now what's really going on with you two" Cyriel asked, "because Yanjun has a point, you two are up to something".

Z rubbed the back of his neck, "if you don't mind I'd rather not say anything yet, I don't want to jinx it".

"That's more believable. Because you see Lee twins," Cyriel said as he turned to face them, "Z does not date, especially blind dates. There was a period where we were convinced he was an alien".

While Cyriel was starting to bring up embarrassing childhood stories about Z, he felt Yuan poke his side with his elbow.

"We both know that's different now" he chuckled, "Cyriel blabbed about your special girl, don't worry. I think everything will be alright, if it's meant to be then it's meant to be".

Z facepalmed himself, he knew better then to tell Cyriel these kinds of things. But instead of being upset he was glad that now Yuan knew as well. 

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