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With a smile she had pressed send.

She was proud of herself, she's over him. He's history and if he wants to check her Instagram then he should. In fact she was hoping he would check her Instagram and see this picture along with the caption, she was hoping that he would feel bad for what he had done to her. That he would regret the things he did to her, how he had treated her, and if he came crawling back that she could be the one showing him the door.

But on the other hand she didn't care what he would do, and maybe a part of her didn't want him to see the picture in case he would start to cause drama, unnecessary drama. For example saying that she's only posting that picture with that caption to get attention- which isn't true.

Part of the reason of why she posted this picture along with that caption- was to keep her brother off her back. He kept persuading her to move on and to leave things and people in the past- something she was trying on her own and didn't need a whiny brother to tell her that.

She herself already knew it was time to move on and she didn't need everyone to tell her that. Even her friends were bugging her, one of them had tried to make her agree on going on a double date. But that idea was a little too much for her, besides she would start dating when she was ready for it. Right now her main focus was forgetting her ex and moving on, because even though she claimed she's over him- her mind sometimes wondered back to the good times they once had. It was hard for her to erase the good memories she got from him, but what was harder was forgetting the bad ones.

A soft sigh escaped from her mouth as she was scrolling through her unchanged feed, she then decided to look at what other's liked today. That's the moment she sees her brother liked a post of some guy who calls himself Z.

For some reason she feel intrigued to look at his account, maybe it was his mysterious username or maybe it was because of his profile picture.

But once she clicked on his username, she knew there was no way back.

It sounds quite dramatic, but that who she is. Trying to be fake dramatic so lighten the mood, it often helped and even this time it made her smile a little. She was curious about this account since her brother doesn't follow people he doesn't know- and she was pretty sure that she had never seen this guy before and she knows all about her brother's friends. He's a pretty private guy who likes to keep some things to himself rather then sharing it with the world.

However Latvia caught her being too curious about this guy, not that it made her stop looking at his pictures. No her curiosity got the best of her. 


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