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Z looked down at his phone.

He had a bad feeling, his guts were telling him something was wrong. It had been a day since he last spoke with her. At the cafe it seemed as if she was avoiding him, but he wasn't too sure about that.

The thing is that he can't remember what he did wrong. Z would always try to talk to Latvia, any chance he got, only the other day he couldn't find her during his break or maybe she was busy.

"You've been looking at your phone for like twenty times in the last hour, I don't think it will turn into a transformer".

Z scoffed, "Cy that's the last of my worries".

Cyriel raised his eyebrows as he looked at him, he was wondering what was going on with his friend. The last few weeks he was becoming more and more like a happy person until now. It now took an 360 turn and he was falling back into his old pattern.

It took Z a second before the noticed the look on Cyriel's face, "I'm sorry Cy".

The older male shook his head, "instead of apologizing tell me what's going on. First you were grumpy Z, then transformed into human Z and now you're grumpy again".

He let out a soft sigh while looking at how his friend was playing with his straw.

"Believe it or not, but it's about a girl" he started, "she works at the cafe and I can't help but feel happy when she's around. But since yesterday she stopped talking to me and avoids me completely".

For some reason it wasn't a surprise to him that it was about a girl, Cyriel knew that his friend's behaviour didn't have anything to do with him being happy with his cats. No he knew it was someone who made Z change this way.

"Could your dad have something to do with it?".

It did cross his mind but his father didn't even know that he befriended Latvia. To him it wasn't a logical explanation on why Latvia wasn't talking to him, although he doesn't think that Latvia would have told him if his dad told her not to talk to him anymore.

His father would never let him break contact with her, it was all because of her that he got his investors for his own cafe. Knowing his father, he would have told her to stick by his side and help him become a better man.

The day before yesterday everything was fine, so he knew that something must have happened yesterday that made her so upset she cut him off.

"Did you try texting her?".

Z covered his face with his hands, "I tried texting her yesterday and a few times today, it's out of character for me to chase her around like this but I just can't help myself".

"I know that right now is not the right moment to say this, but I'm going to say it anyway" Cyriel said while pointing his straw at Z, "you my friend are whipped for this girl. I don't know who she is but she must be special if you are hiding her from us".

Z let out a soft chuckle, "I can't believe you are right".

"Most of our classmates thought you were aromantic and asexual since you never looked at anyone" Cyriel continued.

Before his friend could continue Z threw one of his fries at his friend. Not everyone in the restaurant needed to hear their conversation.

Cyriel looked at him with a fake shocked facial expression.

"I know that everyone thinks I'm aromantic and asexual, but that doesn't matter anymore because I'm neither of those two", Z let his fingers glide through his hair while contemplating on what to do with the whole Latvia situation, "the truth is that I really like this girl and I don't know what to do to get her to talk to me again. I want her and only her, and I don't care if it's too soon to have these feelings for her".

It shocked them both, since neither of them knew that Z had these kinds of feelings inside him. He barely ever talked about how he felt about things, so this was a huge improvement.

"I didn't know you felt that way".

"Neither did I until I met her"

✟ In memory of Kikay the hamster.
[ 11- 06 - 2018, 13:24 ]

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