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It was Saturday and Z had a day off- which was rare for him.

He had planned to spend the day in bed, catching up on some much needed sleep, however he got a call from Cyriel to get his butt out of bed and meet them in the city. After trying to talk himself out of it, he decided to give in.

It was not as if he could change their minds.

After getting changed he slowly made his way towards the shop his friends told him to come to. It was some kind of miracle because there weren't a lot of cats following him around- maybe they could sense he was tired as well.

"There he is, he's fast today" he heard the cheerful voice of Yuan shout.

Z looked up, astonished when he saw his friends.

Cyriel was wearing a bear hat- Rilakkuma to be exact, and Yuan was wearing a Finding Nemo hat. What he didn't notice was Yuan holding another hat in his hands- what he did notice was the smile on their faces.

"What are you two wearing".

His friends were simply smiling at him.

"Some cute hats, you should try one" Cyriel replied, giving Yuan a look. It was one of those looks that Z knew they were up to something.

All of the suddenly he noticed Yuan moving behind him, grabbing a hold of his arms. It was confusing Z, who tried to break out of the embrace- but Yuan was holding on tightly.

"What are you two idiots doing".

He tried to sound angry, but confusion was only evident in his voice.

"Making you cute" was their reply.

Before he knew it Cyriel had pulled a hat over his head, once that was done Yuan released his arms.

"Before you pull it off, look how cute you are", were the words of Yuan who pushed him towards a nearby mirror.

When Z looked at himself he saw the white Hello Kitty hat on his head. He raised his eyebrows as he turned around to face his snickering friends, "seriously".

"Yes girls like guys who can act cute" Cyriel told him with a wink, "I bet your special lady 'friend' thinks the same way".

Z simply rolled his eyes.

"Ha ha, very funny, now when can I take this off? I look ridiculous".

Yuan shook his head, "nope we'll take a picture first, after that you can take it off".

Knowing that they would find a way to get their way, Z just agreed to one picture. He just wished that he knew why they needed his picture with a cute hat.

Because if this was going to be used for blackmail he won't be happy, his friends have more then enough embarrassing pictures of him.

"Just hurry up, not everyone needs to see me like this" Z muttered since he wanted to keep his scary status alive at work.

If his co-workers saw him like this, they won't take him serious. Even if he didn't smile in the picture. They've never seen him act silly or saw him any other way then with a poker face.

"Smile kitty Z" his friends teased, but to no avail.

All they got was him looking in the camera with a straight face, it was the little badass he still had left. But his friends didn't care, the old Z wouldn't have let them put a cute hat on his head. 

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