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It was after her shift that she decided to have her lunch at work, she hadn't eaten since this morning and she was craving some wonton soup. Which to her luck was one of the best selling items in the restaurant next door to the cafe.

While sitting in her seat she looked across the room, looking at Z or Ziven- even thought he told her that he prefers the name Z. She also liked the name Z better, it gives off a more mysterious vibe then Ziven. The guy himself seemed like an unsolvable mystery to begin with.

The first thing she noticed about him was how tall he is, don't forget handsome and the fact that he was the first not to question her name. No instead she was questioning his name- but he didn't seem to mind that she brought that up, no he just kept smiling at her. It was a fresh change of pace, her not being questioned about her name.

She didn't know why her parents named her after a country and her brother after the jeans brand. Although her brother's name was known as an actual name.

As she was chewing her food she decided to check out her instagram- looking at the profile of the guy she found the other day- also named Z. She was trying to find out if they could be the same person- however his face was always covered by something or a cat so she couldn't figure it out.

It could just be a coincidence that both guys go by the name of Z- which obviously has to be a nickname.

Until she stumbled onto one picture of him, which looked nothing like him. The boy in the picture looked younger then Z does- maybe five years younger then Z.

So now she had her answers, the two Z's are not the same guy.

"Latvia, you okay" she suddenly heard a low voice ask her.

She looked up confused but it quickly changed into a friendly smile when she noticed it was Z- Ziven. He might have been the last person she was expecting to sit with her- she didn't mind the company.

"I'm fine, I'm just enjoying my food- maybe a little too much" she said while brushing a strain of hair behind her ear.

Z chuckles as he takes a seat across of her.

Her eyes widen as she quickly looks around, "what are you doing? what if the boss his son sees you?".

That only made him laugh even louder which made her raise her eyebrows- mainly because she didn't get what was so funny about what she said, "but dear I am the boss his son".

Slowly she realised it all, he is the boss his son.

Z is the one everyone calls a pain, an uptight guy- and she is the one who told him that to his face earlier.

Even though she didn't realise that her cheeks were turning red, Z did notice it. But he decided not to mention it. 


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