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It was early in the morning, Z had just finished doing his laundry when he realised something. Sitting on the washing machine was his brown tiger patterned cat X, but the white one was not in sight.

"C baby, where are you" he called out to the cat as he looked around the room.

He didn't know where his cat could be hiding, because normally C would be laying on the washing machine next to X. But he didn't see her the entire morning.

For a minute he was afraid that he left the window open and C decided to go for a walk, and since C never went outside before- he was afraid something would happen to her.

"Come on C, no time for jokes" he yelled as Z started to look under every table, on every chair but no. There was no C anywhere.

By now he was starting to get worried as he looked all over his apartment in the hope to find his cat. His, as he calls it, his first baby.

"C, come on it's not funny" he said frustrated as he took a seat on a stool. He looked to his left, a medium sized box was just standing there, although it looked as if it had moved.

Z shrugged and opened the box, only to be surprised by C who was peacefully sleeping inside the box.

"Seriously C, you give me an heart attack to live in a box" he said while shaking his head, but still he smiled when he saw his cat turn to her other side.

He could never be mad at his cats, since they are too cute to stay mad at.

With a smile on his face he decided to take a picture of the cute sleeping cat in the box, he couldn't help but wonder what he did to deserve such cute cats like C and X.

As he was looking at his phone, an idea suddenly came up. It was still early and he had nothing else to do today, it was his day off and he knew that Latvia has a day off as well. But there was still something holding him back from texting her.

It was the thought of her rejected his offer to spend time together, that's what made him think twice before he reached for his phone. But then he remembered her gentle smile and her fun personality- which made him realise he should just go for it.

His mother used to tell him to just take the chance even if you get a no, then at least you tried. Most of the time he followed his mother's rule- but this situation included his feelings, which makes a no hit him in the face twice as hard.

"I should just do it, right C?" he asked his cat, who started purring in her sleep.

That was good enough of an answer for him to pick up his phone and call Latvia.

Although he felt frozen when he heard her voice on the other line, he wasn't expecting her to pick up the phone so quickly. "Hi Latvia, it's Z. I eh.. I wanted to ask you something"

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