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It had been 10 days ago when she had first met Ziyang, Minghui's roommate.

On that rainy day after her shift had ended. Minghui had offered her a ride home but he had to pick up his roommate first, but since the two of them were listening to music they completely forgot to pick the poor guy up. Ziyang had showed up at the cafe, drenched from walking to the cafe. After the two guys got into some dry spare clothes of Minghui- they were ready to go. Only Latvia was expecting them to drop her off first thing, but the two of them were hungry so they stopped to get some food first. Before she knew it it was already eight o'clock and they drove her home- she ended up spending her entire afternoon with the two friends.

Even though she didn't know him for that long, she did realise that the tall boy resembled Z in a lot of ways. It wasn't just the height or the visuals, no it was their personality. Ziyang came across as a closed person- someone who doesn't easily opens up to people. He was being friendly with her and they laughed together, but she quickly figured out that he won't be opening up to her any time soon.

She had no idea why but she respected it. It's just the way Ziyang is.

"Say guys" Latvia said after swallowing a spoonful of their homemade soup, "where are you guys from, you two got such a thick accent. It's cute though, I'm just wondering because I can't figure it out".

The two boys looked up from their bowl, looked at each other and then back at Latvia.

"I thought our names gave it away" Minghao joked which caused Ziyang to snicker softly, "but we're both from China, Shandong to be exact".

Ziyang only nodded along- he was too busy slurping his soup.

That was another thing she noticed, these two always had their eyes on food. Even if a pretty girl or boy passed them by they still had their eyes fixed on their next meal, which was always amusing to her.

"Ah so you two were born and raised in China" Latvia asked, hoping they won't get annoyed by all her questions. That was the last thing she wanted.

She saw the hesitation on Minghui's face after she asked her question, he had been glancing at his roommate in order to get his attention. But the taller boy seemed to ignore him, still too busy eating his soup.

Minghui cleared his throat before he showed her a smile, "we were born there yeah", there was a moment of silence- in which he was unsure of how to continue his sentence.

"Born and raised" Ziyang finished for him, "he always gets awkward when people bring up China, as if something bad happened there".

Latvia could feel the tension rising, it seemed that she had brought up an sensitive sentence.

"It's okay if she knows that we're from China, born and raised. Just that".

The other boy nodded which made Latvia feel suspicious, but she understood. After all she didn't know them for that long.

She just smiled and silently ate her soup while the roommates were bickering in Mandarin. 

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