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She was laying on her back on her bed while looking up at the ceiling- a sigh escaped from her lips. It was another boring Monday and she had nothing to do for the day, not that she felt like going out.

Her mood ruined for the rest of the day after she saw who liked her old pictures on Instagram- she didn't talk to him for a few weeks and she was fine with the idea of never having to do anything with him anymore. That was all until she checked her Instagram today.

Her smile immediately disappeared as soon as she saw the name of the liker, it was the last person she was expecting to pop up in her notifications.

Her mind wasn't with her at the moment- she was too busy trying to delete the memories of the person she once was close with, so busy that she didn't noticed the sneezing guy walking into her room. He made a lot of noise that it could scare away the birds outside but her mind was too preoccupied to hear anything.

"Latvia" a low voice suddenly screamed at her, trying to get her attention since his sneezing didn't wake her up from her train of thoughts.

She looks up to see her brother holding a tissue in one hand and with the other he was making wild hand movements. "Finally, you're back on earth" he chuckled.

"Yeah, what do you need" she asked as she sat up right to hear him out, although a part of her didn't want to.

"A 'how are you Levi?' or 'does my cat bother you Levi?', would actually be more appropriate right now" the older male said as he let himself fall on her bed which made her raise her eyebrows. "but no your cat isn't bothering me, you on the other hand are".

Feeling annoyed she looked up, "what are you trying to say, because you need to choose your next words wisely".

Levi snickered.

"I only meant that you should block him on Insta and move on".

She rolled her eyes before throwing a pillow at him.

"Go play with Skittle, you little allergic ball".

Because he started to laugh at her, she decided to kick him off the bed- with a loud thud he fell on the floor. But it didn't stop his laughter at all, in fact he didn't care that it would probably leave him a bruise- he just liked to tease his sister.

"Oh come on Via, you know I'm right so for once listen to your older brother".

She rolled her eyes as she stood up from her bed, "you're my twin brother so stop with the older brother stuff, and stop babying me".

"Whatever you say Pinky" he chuckled as he referred to her hair while still laying on the floor.

Being done with Levi, she left her room in search of her cat, Skittles, to make her brother leave her room.

Maybe his cat allergies were a good thing too, it's definitively something she can use more often when he was annoying her.


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