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Latvia was at work cleaning the counter tops, although her mind is in an entirely different place. She was still thinking about that accidental kiss with Z- if she could even call that a kiss.

A part of her was happy that Levi came home and interrupted them but on the other hand she kept wondering what would have happened if he didn't. Would Z have apologised or maybe he would have kissed her again.

"Via are you even here".

She looked up startled, only to look Minghui in the eye. He was chuckling as he passed her to bring an order to a table near the window, when he came back he jokingly patted her back.

"You seem distracted today" he pointed out, "did something happen".

Even though she wanted to tell someone about the kiss, she was afraid to be judged. Especially the work place was not a safe place to tell these kinds of things, since Z is going to be their boss.

Once rumours spread they might think she's dating Z to get a raise. The last thing she wanted was her job getting harder because of fake rumours.

"I'm just tired that's all" she told him with a small smile.

Minghui leaned against the counter, squeezing his eyes into slits, "are you sure, you seem absentminded ever since you entered the cafe".

She quickly shook her head no, "no it's really just lack of sleep".

It was pretty obvious that the older taller boy didn't believe her, he chuckled softly in response while looking through the cafe.

"You really are the opposite of Ziyang, I've known him for years and he's like cardboard. I can't see through him unlike you" Minghui commented, "I see right through you and I just know there's someone you like".

Just when she was about to reply to him that it's not true and that there's no one in her life except for her brother and friends. That was until her eyes caught a familiar figure standing there talking to Z, he was all smiles in his ripped jeans and leather jacket.

She couldn't really read Z's facial expression from the distance of the bar and the office, but she did notice he didn't look troubled or angry. He looked like the normal Z, not the same guy who stuck up for her.

"Via are you okay" Minghui asked as his hand waved in front of her eyes.

She felt her sight get blurred, blinking to get rid of the wetness.

Latvia was positive that Z remembers that the guy standing in front of him is that one that made her feel small, who was making fun of her.

"Latvia are you okay" she heard Minghui call out to her until he pressed his hands on her shoulders, "you're almost crying here, what's going on?".

"That's my ex boyfriend Kino" she swallowed, "he and Z are talking as if they're best friends".

Minghui raised his eyebrows as he looked over at the two guys. They did seem to have a friendly conversation with each other.

His eyes then fell back to the girl standing next to him- who was holding back her tears. For a moment the strong Latvia looked like a little girl, vulnerable and small.

"What is exactly the problem".

"I was at the park when Kino was bugging me, Z then saved me from him" she let out a soft sob, "I'm positive he still remembers how Kino treated me. He even told me about a day where he ran into him".

Acting like an older brother Minghui protectively wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"I can't believe Z would betray me like this"

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