Reappearance- Chapter 17

Start from the beginning

Harry’s POV:

The lads and I just landed in France to finally begin our tour outside England. I turned to my left and I saw Zayn was quickly dialing a number. Must be Perrie since that’s the only person he seems to call as soon as we land. I looked to my right, and I saw Louis was doing the same thing as Zayn, except he was most likely calling Eleanor. Liam and Niall were behind me talking to each other. Well, more like Niall was trying to talk to Liam and help him smile, but it seemed as if the conversation was one sided. I’m concerned for Liam. He doesn’t laugh or smile that often anymore. I mean in front of fans he tries to keep this façade going, but around us it’s as if he doesn’t even want to try. We understand that it has to do with he and Dani breaking up, but he should realize the toll this is taking not only on him but us and the fans. We all care about him, and to see him this upset is heartbreaking.

I looked ahead and saw that Camryn, our opening act for the remainder of the European section of the tour, walking on her own while submersed in her phone. I would talk to her, but I’m not in the mood myself to talk to anyone. All I want to do is return to England and make sure Ariel isn’t hurt by Adrien. I don’t trust him at all, and knowing that he is officially her boyfriend makes my blood boil. That could’ve been me at the moment. She could have been here with us for a small section of the tour and laughing along with our stupid moments. She could be helping Niall make Liam happy, and would have probably succeeded with just being herself, but that’s the problem. She wouldn’t know how to act with any of the lads because she doesn’t remember them. She might have been willing to get to know them again, but this may upset Liam further because she isn’t the same best friend he had during our last tour. How I wish I could rewind time to before she was kidnapped. I’d make sure none of this ever happened, but then what situation would we be in? Would Ariel and I even be together, or would she be denying the fact that she loves me because I have hurt her way too much?

“Hey, Harry! Why are in deep thought?” Scar asked while slipping in between me and Louis. Josh was beside her, and he was holding her hand. They made a really great couple, and I can’t imagine anyone else being with them. They are their own halves.

“Just reminiscing our old tour and how different things are from then,” I said with a sigh before we got our luggage and prepared to walk towards the doors that separated us from the screaming fans.

“Well obviously everything is different. I mean, you guys are way more popular, and-.”

“No, I don’t mean that. It’s just that… I’m thinking of how if Ariel were here she’d know what to do to make Liam happy, but then again she doesn’t remember any of us, besides you, so she wouldn’t know what to do to make him feel better. I just wish none of this ever happened.”

“Look, Harry. None of us are happy with what happened, but if you allow it to continue to eat you up from the inside, then how are you helping Ariel? You know how upset she’d be if she knew that you are miserable without her. Imagine if she would’ve died. She would be extremely upset over the fact that she can’t do anything to make you all feel better, but she chose to stay. Yes, she didn’t know this would be her price, but at least she stayed. You all have a chance to recover her, but you need patience. She will make her mistakes, but we will be there to catch her,” Scarlet said with a smile.

“But it isn’t fair.”

“Who said life is fair, mate?” Josh questioned from beside Scarlet. “Just think of the positive side of this. Ariel is still alive, and she will be back. Sure, she won’t be the same person, but it’s obvious. We all grow and change over time, so don’t be afraid of her changing embrace it.”

“Oh, and don’t forget to keep a tight hold on her. Don’t lose her again because believe me, this may be the last chance you ever get,” Scarlet said with a smile before she pushed the doors open and security immediately surrounded us. Fans were screaming everywhere, and I merely smiled and waved at them. Security quickly ushered us into the waiting car, and we made our way to the hotel. Camryn was sitting quietly in the front seat, and ignoring us. She doesn’t hate us at all, but she just doesn’t like socializing that much. She’s amazing and has a great voice, but I still prefer Ariel’s over hers.

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