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"So.. you own a motorcycle," I heard a familiar deep voice as I pulled my helmet off of my head. I pushed my hair back out of my face as I saw Alex smirking and Robert looked somewhat surprised. "Yeah, why?" I replied, holding my helmet in between my arm and my right side, pulling my phone out of my left back pocket with my free left hand. "I don't know if I should be impressed or intimidated, for some reason," Robert stated as I chuckled. "I'm not very intimidating looking, you could make fun of the way I stand, or the way I color my hair was too frequently, and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it," I shrugged, pressing the button on the top of my phone as the screen lit up.

"Oh, by the way," Alex looked up as Robert and I looked at her. "Your brother keeps bothering me to make sure his schedule is free of 'Ryan', what's up with that?"
I loudly and over dramatically sighed, running my right hand through my hair, "he got into a fight with Ryan Ross, and Ryan quit the band, which got him replaced with Dallon, and, oh shit- Dallon's in college now- and then Ryan and I broke up, so Brendon and I, along with all of our friends, blocked Ryan out of our lives, and yeah, no one wants Ryan," I explained as Robert and Alex looked up at me, kind of confused looks plastered on their faces. "Alright, let's go," Alex shrugged, walking to the office entrance of the school as Robert and I followed behind her.

7:10 AM

"Okay.." Alex turned away from the iMac. "Ryan has no classes with you or Brendon, wanna change anything else?" She sighed, rubbing her temples. "Uhh, sure," I looked over at the screen. "Put Frank in the same homeroom as me, and Brendon in Mr. Solano's homeroom. Piece of shit deserves that rude ass teacher."
"Sure," she turned back to the iMac, rearranging names.
"Do you ever think we'll get in trouble for doing this, guys?" Robert asked, leaning against the vice principal's desk. "I mean, I've been doing this since 2015, and I'm still on student council, so," Alex shrugged, clicking some random things on the desktop.
"If we get caught, it's all Alex's fault," Robert muttered as Alex shot a glare at him. "(Y/N) asked me to do it, first of all, and second of all, fuck off, junior."

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