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I think I might get to chapter 70 today I just wanna speed all the way to 70 for some reason so these chapters may suck ass

9:25 PM

"I ate fries the other day!" Halsey exclaimed, throwing a bag of cotton candy at Frank. "Yeah, you begged for it, then you ate eight fucking fries, and gave them back to me," I chimed into the conversation. "I ate the whole thing, don't lie!" Halsey banged her fist against the plastic wall of the plushie machine. "How do you think our parents feel knowing that we're all seventeen and eighteen, having fun at a Dave and Buster's?" Gerard chuckled, walking back over to us with a giant rainbow slinky. "They would either be disappointed, or happy that we're doing this instead of drugs, or each other," Mikey turned around, facing the rest of us. "Well, for the time  being, at least," he added Halsey chuckled, as Mikey shifted his eyes over to me. "That's inappropriate!! There are children around," I said, walking over to Mikey and punching his arm. "I've been defeated by someone four inches shorter than me. That's- that's sad," Mikey looked down and sighed. "What's sad is that we are all almost or are adults at Dave and Buster's," Litboi sighed, attempting to get a plushie from the claw machine once again. "What's sad is Halsey's love lif-" "YES!" Halsey punched her first in the air pushing the slot on the claw machine and pulling out a purple bear with a royal blue ribbon around its neck, accompanied by a tag. "Do we ever talk about how, stuffed animals with ribbons are basically choking themselves, or is that too heavy a subject around children?" Frank rubbed the back of his neck, as a girl, maybe twelve or thirteen run past Frank, bumping into his back. "Sorry!" She semi-shouted, looking back at Frank. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks, as her eyes widened and she frantically and repeatedly hitting her friend's shoulder, whispering somethings in her friend's ear. Her friend immediately turned around, eyes widened almost immediately. "Why are you watching preteens, you weirdo," Halsey whispered in my ear as I jumped, thinking she was still a good seven feet away from me. "Jesus Christ, don't do that! Also, I could ask the same question vice versa," I replied, hitting her shoulder. The boys seemed to be having a conversation amongst themselves, as Halsey just stood by me. "They seem to be paying attention to Frank, and it's weird," I stated, running my left hand through my now bleached blonde hair, and Halsey sighed. "If they think he's attractive, they must have very low standards, because they know who Justin Bieber is," Halsey chuckled under her breath as I sighed. "Frankie, Halsey called you ugly," I somewhat shouted as Frank, Gerard, and Mikey looked over at me. "At least I'm not a short anorexic rat," Frank shrugged, as the two other boys and I chuckled at his comment. "I'm not anorexic, and I am just under the average height of the average American female!" Halsey threw her hands up in defense, as Frank threw the bag of cotton candy at her. "Then eat this whole goddamn bag or cotton candy, or at the very least, half," Frank smirked as Halsey growled, opening the bag. "Do I really have to.." she whined. "Okay, come on, she's gonna gain, like, twelve pounds from that much cotton candy, Frankie," I stated, as I slightly shifted my eyes to where the young boy and girl were.
"Good! She would still be 126," Frank exclaimed as Halsey groaned, taking a handful of cotton candy and quickly eating it, making a face of disgust. "Wh- you don't like cotton candy?" Gerard turned to her, confused. "I hate it."

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