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"Let's fuck," Halsey rubbed my back as I sat up straight. "As much as I would like that," I sighed, stretching my arms over my head, "I do not have sexual attraction to you, and there are two dudes with great hearing separated from us by only a thin wall." "Yes, and the fact that you're very sad right now, because of the words 'ew no'," Halsey remarked as I rolled my eyes, placing my head on her shoulder. "What the hell is his problem, though?" I cracked my knuckles, sighing. "Remember that one time when he was in eighth grade and you were in seventh and you hugged him, and Brendon wouldn't stop teasing him about it?" Halsey looked at me as I took my head from atop her shoulder. "What about it?" I looked at her, confused. "He had a boner when you hugged him."
Halsey and I just stared at each other for a minute, until the charcoal gray door of my room burst open, to see a 5'9, blonde, pale boy with a yellow and black flannel shirt rolled up to his elbows, black skinny jeans, and yellow high top converse on, with a giant smile. "I dyed my hair yellow!" Gerard exclaimed, sliding into the room. Halsey, Gerard and I all burst into laughter as I waved him over to sit next to me on my bed. He did so, as I hugged him. "You look like a lemon, Gerard," I sighed, trying to catch my breath. "A beautiful lemon, I hope," Gerard smiled, as I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Am I the only one who didn't know he had a boner?" I asked, as I chuckled, still confused about that. "Yeah," Gerard and Halsey said in unison. "He made us swear to never tell you," Halsey explained. "Gerard, why do you look so cute today?" I asked, taking my head off of his shoulder. "I wanted to match my 'lemon hair'," Gerard explained, as I rolled my eyes. "(Y/N), can we keep him?" Halsey asked like a child who just found a stray puppy. "Let's name you Lemon Gerard," I smiled as Gerard laughed. "I am now known as Lemon Gerard, and I am hungry."



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