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I was scrolling through my camera roll and accidentally clicked on the picture above but it's there now so yeah

Also, I was thinking of maybe putting some second POV in a few chapters? I don't like to write in second POV much but I'll give it a try

EDIT: no I hate it I'm sorry

June 27th, 2018
8:37 AM

As Halsey ran into study hall, we tripped over each other, the both of us trying to get there first. "I WIN!" I shouted as you passed through the doorframe before her, in a result of a few other people's eyes looking over at me. "Fuck off," Halsey groaned, gripping onto my right shoulder to keep her from falling to the floor from exhaustion. i walked over to Gerard and Mikey who seemed to be having a conversation about.. candy bars?
"Hey losers," I sighed, sitting next to Mikey on the floor as Halsey followed suit to Gerard. "Why weren't you guys here for homeroom? Or first period?" Gerard asked, running a hand through his bright red hair. "Let's just say there was a.. situation.." I looked over at Halsey who was sheepishly smiling. "Hey, don't you dare blame this on me-" "You thought it was a good idea to wear white skinny jeans on your period. That's your fault," I cut her off as she snarled, which caught all of our attention. "Uhh, anyways," Gerard changed the subject quickly. "Anything interesting happen lately?" I asked, not knowing anything to talk about. "No, except for the fact that it's the last day of school, finally," Mikey answered, running a hand through his bleached hair with brown roots growing in. "Yay, I get to watch all of my friends leave me as I go to college," I pumped my fist in the air out of sarcastic enthusiasm. "Well, at least we have one more year," Gerard muttered, still focused on his drawing of a pastel colored dinosaur. Why pastel? I don't really know.
"Why don't you just, I don't know, not go to college?" Halsey spoke as I sighed, looking over at her. "Well, I kind of want a job that isn't minimum wage at McDonald's, so," I shrugged as she rolled her eyes. "But we're all gonna miss you!" Halsey whined, looking over her shoulder. "Frank, come over here and tell (Y/N) how much we're going to miss her if she goes to college!" She waved the greasy raven haired boy over as he looked over at us, walking in our direction and sitting in the awkward circle formation we were in. "I'm sorry, college?" Frank's eyes bulged out of his eye sockets as I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Frankie, college. Why won't you people let me go to college?"
As soon as I said that, Frank and Halsey groaned as I felt a pair of arms around me, as Mikey pulled me into his lap. "Do you even know what you want to do with your life?" Mikey asked as Gerard rolled his eyes at the sight of us. I saw Halsey lightly slap his arm as he focused his attention back to his sketchbook. "I know what I want to be, but I don't really know anything practical at the moment," I replied, resting my head on his shoulder as Frank let out a small 'hah'.
"Oh be quiet Frankie, you couldn't get into a community college if you wanted to," I commented on his small laughter as he looked at me, offended. "You don't have to meet any academic standards to get into community college!" Frank argued, crossing his arms. "That's my point!" I retorted as he gave me a dirty look, not replying. "Where do you even want to go for college?" Halsey asked, trying to split up the conflict between Frank and I.
"I was accepted into MIT," I muttered as everyone darted their eyes at me, with what looked like to be worried expressions. "Wait- s-so you're going to Massachusetts Institute of Tech-Technology? Like- actually?" Gerard dropped the colored pencil from his right hand as I slowly nodded. "Wow," was Mikey's response, no emotion in his tone. "So.. we only have one year with you, and then you leave?" Frank's voice was a bit shaky, as I sighed, nodding. "But- we're gonna miss you.."
I could barely hear Halsey speak the five words which did somewhat break my heart knowing that I was going to be separated from everyone for eight to nine months for four years straight, and that I would probably end up making different friends and forgetting about them.
"Can we please talk about something different? Y'all are making me really sad right now," Mikey stated as Halsey looked up from her crossed legs. "Wait- I just have one question.. How did you get into a school with an acceptance rate percentage of 7.9.. but you barely passed eleventh grade?" Halsey chuckled as we all burst into laughter. "Who the fuck knows, probably magic," I sighed, kissing my dumb boyfriend on the cheek.



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