587 30 35

This man is not 41.

June 22nd, 2018
8:37 PM

Gerard: what's the biggest threat someone has given you

Litboi: "I'll dye your hair green." I wonder who said that.

Fronk: "I'll buy a bunch of tarantulas and put them in your room."

(Y/N): "I'll smash your guitar." ehem HALSEY

Gerard: "I'll steal your cake"

Moikey: "I won't have sex with you for a month"

Litboi: Mikey you horny ass hoe

Gerard: are we going to talk about the porn critic thing that happened a few weeks ago

Dally joined the chat

Dally: weekes*

(Y/N): fuck off Deebo

Dally: dOnT call me that!

Dally left the chat

Moikey: I'm bored

Gerard: same

Litboi: same

Fronk: (Y/N) can you turn Gerard back into a lemon

(Y/N): I used all of my hair bleach on myself

Moikey: I ran out too

Litboi: I don't give anyone my hair bleach

Litboi: you'll have to fight me for it bitch

(Y/N): also known as she doesn't have any either

Gerard: I don't wanna be a lemon

(Y/N): lemon Gerard was nice

(Y/N): carrot gerard was mean

(Y/N): and so is red hair gerard

Gerard: fuck off


Litboi: I have no friends

(Y/N): we know

Litboi: rUdE

(Y/N): k

Fronk: say something if you actually have plans for a Friday

9:41 PM

Fronk: wow are we all that boring

Litboi: yeah pretty much


Bleepo joined the chat

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