Kingdom AU

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Based on _Brooklyn-s-Queer_ 's BMC kingdom rp. I decided to do it with Newsies!

Kingdom of Thane:
Queen Medda
The Queen of Thane. A kind ruler, but knows how to discipline the ones who deserve it. Has two adoptive children.

Prince Jack
Prince of  Thane. The oldest of the royal siblings and a loyal and protective brother. A worthy ruler.

Princess Serenity
Also known as Reena, the princess is the second in line for the throne. Very close relationship with brother. She is known for advising her brother and having a background in fighting.

Charlie Morris
Also known as Crutchie, Charlie is a young servant boy. He has polio and is very sweet. The royal family treats him like family.

Antonio Higgins
Also known as Racetrack, Antonio escaped Pompadalia, trying to cross with his friend, Spot Conlon, and brother, Romeo, but leaving them in Pompadalia. Now is Captain of the Guard.

David Jacobs
The castle stable boy. Works in the stables to provide for both himself and his little brother. Parents are deceased.

Les Jacobs
Little brother of the stable boy. Likes to hang out in the castle. Parents are deceased.

The Kingdom of Pompadalia

King Pulitzer
King of Pompadalia. A tyrannical and greedy ruler who constantly changes the loan.

Princess Katherine
The king's only heir. Much kinder than her father and much more fit to rule. The kingdom long awaits her rein.

Spot Conlon
Captain of the Guard. Awaits the day he can cross and join Race on the other side of the border.

Romeo Higgins
The youngest servant in the castle. Often tortured for answers on Race. Very close to Spot and wishes to join his brother in Thane.

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