Upside Down Magic

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Based on the book series and movie!

There are 5 types of students of magic at Sage Academy;
Flares, who can create fire with their hands
Fluxers, who can turn into animals
Flyers, who can fly
Fuzzies, who can talk to animals
and Flickers, who can bring things to them through levitation

Person A and B are first years, and after awkward entrance exams, they are classified as UDMs. Their magic is upside down, meaning their magic doesn't do exactly what it's supposed to (examples from the book and movie include a flare who creates smoke instead of fire, a flyer who can't land, a fluxer who can only transform into combined creatures, a fuzzy who can only communicate with animals through singing, or a flicker that pushes things back instead of bringing them forward. these aren't the only possibilities, feel free to get creative!) The goal of Sage is to keep UDMs from practicing magic so it will disappear within the year. Though most kids rebel, using their magic in secret.
Now Person A and Person B and the rest of the UDMs are determined to prove their worth.

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