Serenity Ramirez (a revamp of Reena)

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i've become a better writer since i first created reena, so here's an updated version of her!

Serenity Isabella Ramirez

— Reena (everyone)
— Songbird (Jack)


Demisexual biromantic

Cis Female


Rachel Zegler

Reena is very bubbly, and easily excitable. She's often happy, and often trying to cheer up those around her, with an infectious sort of energy. She also has an incurable curiosity, wanting to know every answer there ever could be to any question. She's fiercely loyal to those she loves. She's stubborn as a mule, often not budging on anything. She's also argumentative, never backing down and willing to argue to her grave. She can be a bit sensitive as well, especially when yelling comes into play, but attempts to stay assertive. She loves to ramble about things she likes, and would talk someone's ear off if they'd listen. She's rather chatty when it comes to most things, in fact. She'll jump into any conversation she can, and more often than not needs to be told to stop talking. She also gets easily anxious, especially if something doesn't go as she planned, or she doesn't know where someone is.

Performing, being with friends, talking, reading, flowers, making others happy, rainy days

Pulitzer, heat, quietness, being alone, blueberries, yelling, being tired

The Newsies, Katherine Plumber, most OCs she interacts with

Joseph Pulitzer, Snyder, The Delancey Brothers

Ella Ramirez — Mother, deceased
Victor Voss — Father, 53
Jack Kelly — Adoptive brother, 17
Medda Larkin — Mother figure, 56

Davey Jacobs

Serenity Ramirez is the daughter of a struggling author, Victor Voss, and an up and coming performer, Ella Ramirez. Her parents met when her father saw her mother performing in Medda Larkin's show, and he found himself smitten. The two hit it off after the show, and while they weren't married, Ella soon became pregnant. Things turned bleak from there, as Ella died in childbirth and left the baby with Victor. Victor, saddened by the death of his love, drank himself silly. As Reena grew up, she often had to take care of both herself and her father, until eventually Victor came to terms with the fact that he did not have the emotional state or financial stability to care for Reena. He asked Medda to take her in when Reena was 5, to which the woman agreed. Medda knew the perfect place for Reena to stay was the lodging house, as Medda could keep an eye on her and knew that others would too.

— She is allergic to blueberries

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