OUAT Chapter 20

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Lily's POV

It was next day, when we go outside to granny's cafe to figure what our plan is. Regina invite Zelena and I forgive her for what she did to John. Killian told us "what is our plan tk rescue and save John?" in sign language. I told him and everyone "Emma and Neal might guard John from us, because they might refused to give him back to us." in sign language. Snow White told me "please bring John home." in sign language. I told her "don't worry, I'm savior, and I will do everything I could able to do in order to save John." in sign language. Zelena told me "I know what Emma and Neal's plan is and it's force you and everyone around here to attend their wedding." in sign language. I told her "how did you know?" in sign language. She told me that she heard their conversation. It was around night, when we go to Dwarfs' mine, and we saw John chained down to a rock. I knew that it's trap. I told John "is this trap?" in sign language. He told us from distance "yeah this is, Lily." in sign language. I told everyone "did you know what to do?" in sign language. They told me "yeah, we do." in sign language. Killian told me "be careful, luv." in sign language. I told him "always, you have rights to be worry about me." in sign language.

John's POV(yay!)

I knew that everyone have plan to rescue me from idiot Emma and her fiance, Neal, because I heard that they will be married tomorrow and they forced everyone to attend, and Lily will be the one who will official their marriage at their wedding. I knew that Lily will be in really grave dangerous, because of Emma and Neal. I also knew that they hated her and they have plan to kill her after their wedding. I prayed that Lily will survived tomorrow.

Lily's POV

I have bad feeling that Emma and Neal will kill me after their wedding tomorrow. But I don't care cause I have to put everyone's life first before my own. I walk quietly toward John who was chained down to rock, while everyone put their plan to action if something actually gone wrong. They hide out between really biggest rock. I look around, and try to break John free, when Emma and Neal show up, and I hide him behind my back, and everyone appear and start to attack Emma and Neal, and I run with John in my arms, run to my parents and give him to them, and they told me thanks you. I told them no problem. I run toward Killian and pull my sword out of my sword hold and point it at Emma and Neal. We have anger expression on our face. Zelena, Regina have magic on their hand, Robin Hood have his bow and arrows, Prince Charming have his sword, Snow White have John in her arms, Henry have his storybook in his hands, and Killian have his sword, and I have sword and shape-shifter, but I dont need to change into wolf, because I don't want to freak John out. Emma and Neal have devilishly smile on their face, and PROOF!!!, their magic took everyone expect their weapons, which is on dirt of Dwarfs' Mine.


Cliffhanger, what you think will happen next chapter?

As you guys might remember that I will not be update until I'm done with exams and biggest assignment. I will be back to normal when? Summer.

I know that so long hiatus, but you guys could reread book#1,2,3, and 4. Have great or whatever day it is hitaus!

-Lily Rhyme

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