OUAT Chapter 10

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Lily's POV

Now that shattered sight had hit this town, storybrooke. I protect John from that spell, and he is sleep in my arm. My parents are in separate jail, fight against each other, included Anna's fiance, Kristoff. I told them "that was not who my parents is now." in sign language. I look though the window and saw everyone fight against each other. I feel like "oh man, I should have give them cure to this stupid spell". I told Anna "how are you with kids?" in sign language. She told me "good, why?" in sign language. I give John to Anna and go outside. Elsa followed me to Rumple's pawnshop, try to find way to get rid of those stupid bracelets. I try to look for something really sharp to get rid of our bracelets. When that is not working, we both go outside to look for Ingrid. We come across her and Emma hold Killian hostage. Ingrid told me "you and Emma will fight if either of you won, you will be my third sister". She also told me "if you refused, I will have to kill your lover, Killian here". I make eye contact with Killian, and his face expression told me "just fight Emma, so Ingrid don't have to kill me". He also told me to be careful. I told him always. I make eye contact with Emma, cause I know all along that Ingrid take my power away. Ingrid magically put sword on my hand and other one on Emma's hand. I look at the sword, and think "oh not again". Killian told me "you can do it and I just know it" in my mind.

Regina's POV (yay)

I try to get myself out of this stupid vault. I kick the door but it don't open. I told myself "who will dare do it to me, oh this is Lily the Savior's doing". I walk down the stair when I look at mirror, and I told myself "what the hell am i wearing"? I changed into evil queen and told "I miss you so much". I have to wait for Lily the Savior to come here.

Lily's POV

We make eyes contact with each other and our blades collision.............

Cliffhanger!!!!!! What will you think happen? Dont forget to comment what happen.

-Lily Rhyme

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