OUAT Chapter 18

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Lily's POV

After Neal and Emma took John away from us, Snow White, Prince Charming, Killian, Henry, Regina, Robin Hood, and I walk to the apartment. We enter into the apartment, Snow White, and Prince Charming comfort each other after what just happrned, while Henry, Regina and Robin Hood were talk about plan on how to save and rescue John. I'm in my room, do nothing, expect write about what just happened on my journal, when Killian enter in and sit with me and he told me "don't worry, John will be fine." in sign language. I told him "I know, but I'm afraid that my parents might never forgive me for what if John got killing......" in sign language. Killian told me "luv, stop worry, and start to help us plan to rescue John." in sign language. I told him "I know, but he is my brother." in sign language. He told me "I know, luv." in sign language, and he hug me. I hug him back, and together, we leave my room and walk toward the kitchen.

John's POV (yay)

In my mind, I was like "where the hell am I at". I pray and hope that my parents, Snow White, Prince Charming and older sister, Lily show up and save me. I heard that Lily date Killian Jones aka Captain Hook, and I know that I'm baby but I could see everything going on between them, plus I ship them!! I heard that they talk about someone named Emma Swan, and her lover named Neal Cassidy aka Baelfire sometime ago.

Lily's POV

Together, we all talk about plan on how to rescue John. Snow White was very worried for her son, cause he is first everything to her, and Prince Charming, because since they missed their moment with me, and Emma. I told them "don't worry, John will be fine, and I just know that." in sign language. They told me "we are very worry about John and possibility you, because Emma and Neal might have their goal to kill you and they might be "saviors" when they actually kill us after they kill you?" in sign language. I told them "I know, but our goal is rescue John and worry about what might happens to me." in sign language. Killian promise to me that he will protect them no matter what might happens. I told them "do you guys have any ideas where John are?" in sign language. They told me "we have no idea." in sign language.

Emma and Neal's POV

We are kidnapped Snow White, and Prince Charming's baby son, John Charming. We are kept him the dwarfs' mine, and we had hope that they could not able to find him.

Ohhh..... Emma and Neal are bad right??? Let's hope that Lily, Snow White, Prince Charming, and Killian could able to save John before his time is up........

-Lily Rhyme

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