Graduation ~Selena's Goodbye

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"Nick!" My Mom screams at me.

"Hold up your certificate!"

"Mom..." I say while trying to walk away.

"Nicholas!" She screams.

I stop in my tracks and hold up my certificate, with a smile. My Mom snaps about four photos of me.

"Alright, Mom. I'm done taking pictures."

"Wait, Kevin! Frankie! Get in the picture with Nick and Joe."


"Hush!" She held up the camera as Kevin, Frankie, and my Dad position themselves around me and Joe. She took two more photos, the flash blinding all of us.

"Where's the girls? I need more pictures of them?" My Mom says.

"No, please." Demi blinked I think you got enough of all of us.

"Can we leave now? I thought we we're having a party?" Joe wrapped his arm around Demi's neck.

"Yeah,"Frankie agrees. "I want to party." He and Maddison followed Demi and Joe as they walked to the car.

"Where's Miley?" I said looking around for her. I lost track of where she went, when my mom was taking pictures.

"She's talking to Shuester." Dani fills me in. "Selena went with her."




"Will you come by and vist during the summer?" I ask him.

"It depends," Mr. Shuester grabs his bags. "Sometimes Elizabeth has good days, some of them are bad. And on the bad days, she needs me."

"Is Elizabeth your wife?" Selena asked him.

He nods.

"What do you mean, 'She has good days, and bad days'?"

Mr. Shue looks up at Selena. "My wife has cancer."

"Oh," Selena looks at me, then back to Shuester. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be." He smiles. "She's a fighter, everyday she's getting stronger and stronger. But she still has her bad days."

I wrap my arms around him. "I'm going to miss you so much Mr. Shue."

I felt his arms around me. "I'm going to miss you too kiddo." We pulled apart, and he wrapped his bag around his torso. "You gonna stay busy this summer with your music?"

I nod. "Of course."

Selena chuckles, "You couldn't pay me to be you." She says to me. "Working on music, and a baby?"

Mr. Shue snaps his head up at me. "Baby?"

"Selena's baby!" I quickly put my hand over Selena's baby bump. "Selena is having a baby, not me." I turn to Selena with a 'Play along' look. "She is seven months pregnant." I rub her stomach.

Selena forces a laugh. "Yeah. I was comparing myself to Miley. I was talking about me, with the baby. Not Miley." We both nervously smile.

Mr. Shue nods at us, buying our lie. "Yeah," he looks at Selena. "Good luck, and congrats on your baby boy Selena." He smiles. "A baby is a gift from God, cherish every smile and every laugh."

Selena smiles. "I will." She turns to me. "Now I get why you love this guy so much." We all move in for a final group hug, as the door opens.

Nick popped his head in. "You two ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah," we pulled away. "Just saying goodbye."

"Nick, come say goodbye to Mr. Shue." I encourage him.

"Oh!" He turns his head out the door. "Coming Joe!" He closed the door.

"Well that was rude." Selena says..........................



"Then we kissed." I turn to Joe with a smile. "And we instantly became insertable."

Joe grabs my hands. "I kinda hate myself for not saying something sooner. I wasted all those years without you by my side." He leans closer to me and we kiss.

"Aww!" Miley and Selena say in unison.

"Now I miss Justin." Selena leans into her hand. "I can't wait to see him!"

"Go ahead Lena, rub your moving to Canada in our face."

"Sorry," she shrugs. "I'm just excited."

"When time does your flight leave?" Miley asked her.

"At five." She yawns. "I'm already packed, just waiting on my Mom to come and pick me up from here to leave."

Joe pushes out his bottom lip. "We grew up to fast." He says. "We're all doing our own things."

"Not us." I say turning to him.

He thought for a minute. "Yeah, we're not doing anything."

Selena chuckles. "You guys are so perfect together." She pulls out her cell phone. "I'm so sorry guys, but I need to go."

"What?" I let go if Joe. "Your leaving already?"

"Yeah," She stood up. "My Mom wants to make sure we leave nothing, and no one, behind before the big move. I have to say goodbye to some family members, before I leave."

I threw my arms around my best friend. "I'm going to miss you so much." I say, my voice cracking.

"I'm gonna miss you too,

Dems." She rubs my back.

I pull away so Miley and her can hug. I wipe the tears that manged to escape my eyes.

Selena said goodbye to rest of the family before leaving to Canada....

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