My Favorite SuperHero by Franklin Cyrus

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        I don't usually watch a lot of SuperHero movies, or T.V shows, so I'm not familiar with superheroes and I can't tell you who my favorite superhero is. But that doesn't stop me from recognizing everyday SuperHeroes. I have always admired, police officers, firefighters, and doctors. But none of them are my FAVORITE Superheroes.

        My favorite superhero is my big sister Miley. Miley is my hero because she doesn't act like other big sisters. Most of my friends big sisters are mean, and yell at their little brothers. Miley doesn't do that. My Mom works full hours and me and my sister don't often see her. We stay home alone a lot. So my sisters takes care of me.

She makes my dinner, and tells me to take baths, and helps me with my homework. She takes care of me like a Mom. When my Mom gives us money from her job, for Miley to buy new clothes and things she needs for school, she spends it on me.

She buys me new shoes, clothes, school supplies, books, drawing pads and pens, and even my favorite food from grocery stores.

Most big sisters don't do that for their brothers. Especially when your sisters has been through a lot. Ever since my dad died, and my Mom started working full time, Miley has always been by herself. And she dosent know I know this but people make fun of her about that. And she hates it.

My sister told me that life gets to hard for her sometimes, and says that no matter how much she would wants to give up. She never could because she has me to love. I guess in a way, I'm her superhero. And she will always be mine.

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