Thank God It's Friday!

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Miley kneeled down next to Frankie. She wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug.

"Be careful okay." She said to him. "And don't stay up to late. And be nice. And don't do anything your not comfortable doing. And-"

"Miley. He'll be fine." I assure her. "You act like were gonna stay up all night doing drugs." I laughed, Joe laughed, Frankie laughed, and Demi laughed. Miley however, gave me and Joe stern looks.

"We're joking, you know."

"Yeah. You better be." She hugged him again. "Okay you have Selena's Mom number, call me for anything okay?"

"Okay Miley." He nodded.

Miley stood up. "Okay. Have fun Kay."

"I will." Frankie smiled and went off to sit next to Joe, who was on the couch watching TV.

"Are you ready yet?" Demi yelled after Miley, once Frankie walked away.

"Yeah." She smiled at me before looking at Frankie and Joe. "Keep an eye on him will ya?"

"Miley. I wouldn't let any thing happen to your little brother."

She laughed. "Thanks. But I was talking about Joe." She nodded towards him, Joe was stuffing Cheeto Puffs up his nose causing Frankie to laugh.

I chuckled. "Yeah, right." I smiled at her. "Have fun tonight."

"Thanks. And you too Nick."

Demi grabbed her hand. "Come on, let's go." The walked towards the front door. "Bye Mama J!"

My Mom came from the kitchen. "Bye Girls! Oh and lovely to meet you Miley!"




"Oh My Gosh! We are going to have the best night ever!" Demi screamed.

"What are we doing first?" I asked.

"Let's watch a movie." Selena suggested, while going over to a book case full of books and movies. "What should we watch? Twilight, My Girl, The Notebook?"

"The Notebook!" Demi's face light up.

Selena turned to me. "Miley. You vote Notebook?"

"Sure I guess." I shrugged. "I've never seen the Notebook."

They froze. "You've never seen the Notebook?" Demi asked me.

"Nope. Is it scary?"

They exchanged looks. "It's the most beautiful movie, in like, movie history." Selena said. "It's a romantic drama."

"Speaking, of romance." Demi said slowly. "I saw the way you were looking at Nick back there." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Ohhh." Selena raised and eyebrow and moved over closer to me. We were sitting on her floor in her room. I was in the middle of the two.

"I wasn't looking at him in a way."

"Do you like him?" Selena asked.

"Do you think he likes you?" Demi asked.

"Um.. I don't know." I shrugged. We had barely became friends until a couple days ago. And I never really had a boyfriend before. The thought of Nick and I being more than just friends, made me feel kind of excited. My stomach felt heavier, and me heart kinda twitched.

"What if he asked you out. Would you say yes?" Selena asked me.

I thought for a minute. What would I say. "I have know idea.."




"Truth or Dare?" Frankie asked Joe.

"Dare." Joe smirked.

Frankie rested his chin in the palm of his hand, thinking for a minute. After a few seconds, he smiled. "I dare you to call Demi and tell her you love her." I burst into laughter. This kid is awesome.

Joe shook his head. "No way. I'm not doing that."

"It's a dare Joe," I said.

"No. I don't care, I'm not doing it."

"Why not? Do you really love her?" Frankie asked him. I started laughing again.

"No. I don't, I just..."

"Dude. You so like her." I smirked at him.

"Shut up Nick. You like Miley."

Before I got a chance to protest, a voice behind us asked. "Who's Miley?"

I turned around to see my older brother. "Hey Fro-Bro." Kevin rubbed the top of my head.

"Hey Kev."

"DJ Danger." Kevin high fived Joe. Then turned to Frankie. "Hi," he smiled. Then turned to me, "Did Mother have another kid?" He asked.

"No. Nick is babysitting for his girlfriend." Joe smirked.

"She's not my girlfriend." I said.

"But you wish she was."

"No. I don't."

Kevin chuckled. "Yeah, you do. I know you're lying face."

"What are you even doing here Kevin? Where's Dani?" I got off the couch, and walked over to the kitchen where my Mom was with Dani. The sat at the table talking about houses. Kevin and Daniella are moving back to New Jersey, so my Mom is helping them find a place.

"Hey Mom." Kevin was behind me. "Did you know, Nick was in love with some girl named Miley?"

"Shut up Kevin. I don't love her. She is just a friend."

"Sure..." Joe, Kevin, and Frankie doubted me.




I blinked away, soon to be tears, from my watery eyes. "This part always gets me..."

"This movie is amazing.." Miley said snuffling.

Selena chuckled teary eyed.

There was a knock at her room door.

"Come in." Selena said.

"Miley," Mandy, Selena's Mom, popped her head in. "There is a phone call for you."

"Oh. Okay." Miley stood up, wiped her eyes and went over to Mandy. She grabbed the phone and left the room.

Selena grabbed the remote and paused the movie. "You know, watching this has inspired me." She smiled.

"Inspired you for what?" I asked her.

"For love connections." She giggled. "We need to hook Miley and Nick up."

I smiled. "Yeah. I know he likes her. We have to hook them up."

"Yeah, then after those two, we can work on you and Joe."

"Yeah, then we- wait, what? I don't like Joe."

"Demi, please. I am your best friend. I know everything."

"I have no idea what-"

The door opened. It was Mandy.

"Girls. Miley left."

Before The Storm...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora